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Sen. Cruz: We are Called to Action

Addresses Liberty University Convocation

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, today delivered the keynote address at Liberty University’s Convocation.

“Freedom and faith are intertwined, as our rights come from God, not government. The most important revolution was not fought with guns or bayonets, but was a revolution of radical ideas, that all men are endowed by their Creator – not by monarchs – with inalienable rights. Those radical propositions are what allow us today to pursue God free of the government.”

Sen. Cruz continued, “Today, religious liberty has never been more under assault. We are called to action as believers, not to sitting quietly and hiding our faith under a bushel, but to stand and speak no matter what the consequence.”

The Senator spoke about ongoing battles to preserve and defend religious liberty, specifically in defense of Hobby Lobby as its case is considered before the U.S. Supreme Court. He noted that the case is not about access to contraceptives, as the media has portrayed, but about whether the federal government can force people to violate their religious beliefs and provide contraceptives to others.

Sen. Cruz highlighted the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. and his leadership in fighting against racial discrimination in the face of imprisonment and persecution. He also shared the story of Pastor Saeed Abedini, who although unjustly imprisoned in Iran for sharing his Christian faith, has led more than 30 people to faith in Christ while captive.

“Light cannot be seen when it is hidden in your living room or your dorm room. Light cannot be seen unless it is in the world. If you value religious freedom, then we have a call to action,” Sen. Cruz said.

The Senator encouraged the audience and all people of faith to take action, to courageously stand for principle, and to speak out for their faith and for religious liberty, just as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Pastor Saeed Abedini and our founding fathers did.

Sen. Cruz concluded, “America was founded by those who risked everything for freedom - you are what gives me hope for the future of our nation.”
