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ICYMI: Sen. Cruz on CNN’s OutFront

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, tonight spoke to CNN’s OutFront regarding the failures of the Obama/Clinton foreign policy. Below is an excerpt of the interview.

“The most consistent error of the Clinton/Obama foreign policy is the failure to understand the nature of our enemies,” Sen. Cruz said. “It is striking that neither President Obama nor Hillary Clinton in this discussion tonight are willing to utter the words ‘radical Islamic terrorists.’ They do not understand the radical religious extremism of individuals committed to Jihad who had pledged to murder Americans and it leads them to keep making mistakes over and over again, whether it is releasing five senior Taliban terrorists without understanding that these individuals will likely return to active warfare against the United States, whether it is in the case of Iraq, not understanding the threat posed by ISIS. I'll tell you a great question we ought to be asking right now is whether the Obama administration has armed ISIS, these radical Islamic terrorists, whether they've armed them in Syria. We know they've armed some of the rebels. We haven't had an answer about which ones they're arming and which ones they're not. You cannot win a battle against radical Islamic terrorism if you're unwilling to utter the words ‘radical Islamic terrorism.’”


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