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Sen. Cruz Issues Statement on Senate Passage of Continuing Resolution

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today released the following statement regarding Senate passage of the continuing resolution:

“Rather than kicking the can down the road, Congress should have taken this opportunity to produce a funding bill that reduces wasteful spending and includes meaningful reforms that decrease regulations and lift burdens on small businesses and job creators.

“Glaringly absent from this legislation is any action by Congress to stop President Obama’s Internet giveaway. We should be united in protecting free speech online. As a result of congressional inaction, on October 1 President Obama intends to give increased control of the Internet to authoritarian regimes like China, Russia, and Iran. Like Jimmy Carter gave away the Panama Canal, Obama is giving away the Internet. 

“The American people are understandably fed up with Washington because they expect all of us – Republicans, Democrats, and independents alike – to put the people’s interests first. That includes protecting free speech online. Congress had the opportunity to do so today, but sadly failed to rise to the occasion.” 
