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The News with Sen. Cruz - October 28, 2016


October 28, 2016


Israel has been and always will be one of America’s closest allies. Recently, the United Nations’ hostility towards Israel was on display yet again as two anti-Israel resolutions were adopted in a deliberate attempt to rewrite Jerusalem’s history, and deny the historic connection of the Jewish people to holy sites in Israel’s capital, Jerusalem. 

Prior to those votes – which were held by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Executive Board and World Heritage Committee – I was proud to lead a bipartisan, bicameral, congressional effort with Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) urging members of UNESCO to oppose these resolutions. While we were encouraged more countries withdrew their support from this effort against Israel, ultimately President Obama declined to show meaningful leadership in rallying countries to defeat these measures, which could have had a tremendous impact in opposing the UN’s ongoing efforts to marginalize our close ally.

Under President Obama, the United States has unfortunately shrunk back from its traditional role as the fearless defender and steadfast partner of Israel. But we will not cease to continue to stand firmly in defense of Israel in any capacity possible, especially in biased international forums like the UN that constantly seek to delegitimize our friend and ally.

Lastly, I was pleased to see that Defense Secretary Ash Carter halted the administration’s practice of clawing back signing bonuses paid to National Guard members who reenlisted to fight for our freedom in Iraq and Afghanistan. If any Texans have been adversely impacted by this, please see my statement below and contact my office.

Keep Texas Strong, 

TC Sig
Ted Cruz

Sen. Cruz, Rep. Ros-Lehtinen Continue Leading Efforts in Support of Israel

On Monday, Sen. Cruz and Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.) led a bipartisan, bicameral letter to members of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Committee urging opposition to “The Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls” resolution, which denies Jewish and Christian ties to Jerusalem and delegitimizes Israel. Sen. Cruz and Rep. Ros-Lehtinen also recently led a similar letter to members of UNESCO’s Executive Board against this attempt to re-write Jerusalem’s history. 

“UNESCO will consider another biased resolution that denies the historical connection of the Jewish people to its holy sites in Jerusalem this week,” Sen. Cruz said. “Members of the World Heritage Committee should reject this pernicious effort to delegitimize Israel, and vote against this resolution that attempts to rewrite thousands of years of Jerusalem's Jewish identity, which has been scientifically reaffirmed by the archaeological record.  More and more countries, such as Mexico, Brazil, and Italy, have voiced increasing objections to a similar resolution that was just adopted at the UNESCO Executive Board. It is long past time for more countries to do the same and put an end to this absurd charade to undermine our close ally Israel.”  

Read Sen. Cruz and Rep. Ros-Lehtinen’s letter in its entirety here.

Sen. Cruz Op-Ed in The Washington Times: 'America's Missed UNESCO Opportunity'

Sen. Cruz on Monday penned an op-ed for The Washington Times rebuking the Obama administration for failing to rally support for Israel at the UNESCO Executive Board meeting in Paris last week during a contentious vote on the “Occupied Palestine” resolution, which attempts to expunge thousands of years of Jerusalem’s Jewish identity. 

Cruz also highlighted his and Rep. Ros-Lehtinen’s recent efforts in Congress to denounce this unconscionable attempt to re-write Jerusalem’s history, including their recent letters to members of the UNESCO Executive Board and to members of UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee. 

“America should be rallying our friends and allies to oppose these insidious UNESCO resolutions that attempt to undermine the historic connection of the Israeli people with all of their country, including their capital, Jerusalem,” Sen. Cruz wrote. “And if President Obama continues to prioritize his political legacy over the national security interests of the United States—which would be a secure and sovereign Israel—Congress at least should have the courage to lead this charge.”  

Read Sen. Cruz’s op-ed here.

Sen. Cruz Admonishes UNESCO’s Vote to Expunge Jerusalem’s Jewish Identity

On Wednesday, Sen. Cruz released the following statement rebuking the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Committee’s vote to deny Jewish and Christian ties to Jerusalem and delegitimize Israel:  

“Denying the Jewish identity of Jerusalem is as ridiculous as declaring the Alamo isn’t Texan. UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee should be focused on its actual mission of protecting cultural treasures, not using them as pawns for a political agenda. It is highly unfortunate the United States was not able to play a more active role rallying the growing support for Israel in UNESCO to defeat this measure – we must not miss any such future opportunities.”  

Read the full release online here.

Sen. Cruz Issues Statement on Obama Administration Efforts to Claw Back Enlistment Bonuses  

Sen. Cruz on Wednesday issued the following statement regarding reports of the Obama administration’s attempts to claw back, in some cases via debt collectors and wage garnishment, enlistment bonuses that had been paid to members of the California National Guard: 

“I applaud Secretary Carter for taking steps today to ensure that American soldiers who received enlistment bonuses due solely to bureaucratic error will not be forced to repay their well-deserved money. No administration should ever force men and women who have selflessly volunteered their lives in service to our Nation to repay a government-offered enlistment incentive. I encourage any soldiers currently residing in Texas who may have been affected by this issue to contact my office, and we will do everything we can to ensure that the obligations the government made to our men and women in uniform are honored.” 

Read the full release online here.


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