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Cruz News: Leading the Fight


January 13, 2017


In Texas, we understand the principle of freedom, empowering every Texan to pursue their dreams. Our Great State was built on a frontier mentality. What Texas has demonstrated so powerfully is that when you get government off the backs of small businesses, and reduce the tax and regulatory burden, opportunity flourishes. It is my hope that together we can bring this Texas mentality and success to our nation’s capital.

It is an honor to represent each and every one of you and the Great State of Texas in the newly formed 115th Congress. I look forward to leading the fight to honor the promises Congress has made to Texans and all Americans.

Please read below for an update from this last week.

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Ted Cruz

Sens. Cruz and Graham Introduce Safeguard Israel Act to Prohibit Taxpayer Dollars to UN Until It Repeals Anti-Israel UNSC Resolution

West Texas Ag Tour

On Thursday, Sens. Cruz and Lindsey Graham introduced the Safeguard Israel Act, which will cut off funding to the United Nations until the President certifies to Congress that the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 2334 has been repealed. The resolution passed last month undermines and delegitimizes our our ally, Israel.

Cruz and Graham discussed the importance of their legislation in interviews earlier today on Morning Joe and Fox and Friends, which may be viewed here and here.

“I’m proud to be working with Lindsey on this important legislation,” Sen. Cruz said. “President Obama betrayed decades of robust bipartisan American support for Israel at the United Nations by permitting the passage of a biased resolution that condemns our close friend and ally. The Security Council’s resolution is only the latest example of the UN’s long history of obsessive hostility towards Israel and we must not let this shameful action stand. Congress must hold the UN accountable and use our leverage as its largest contributor to push for the repeal of this resolution, making it clear to the world that Congress stands unequivocally against efforts to undermine Israel.”

Full text of the Safeguard Israel Act may be found here.

Sen. Cruz Leads With Obamacare Repeal Bill

On Thursday, Sen. Cruz reintroduced his legislation to fully repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare. Sen. Cruz’s Obamacare Repeal Act is the first piece of legislation he introduced as a U.S. senator representing Texas, and he has reintroduced it every Congress since. Early Thursday morning, Sen. Cruz voted in favor of the Senate’s budget resolution, which provides a critical step toward fully repealing Obamacare. 

“With Republicans now in the White House, and in control of the House and Senate, I look forward to working with my colleagues to keep our promise to the American people to fully and completely repeal Obamacare,” said Sen. Cruz. “When we repeal Obamacare, we will rein in out-of-control health care costs and rejuvenate the number and quality of health care choices – but our job won’t be complete until we fully return health care decisions and dollars to American families and their health care providers. Unwinding the harms of Obamacare begins now by fully repealing the law and starting over with commonsense, patient-focused reforms that put patients and their doctors back in the driver’s seat.”  

The Obamacare Repeal Act fully repeals Obamacare effective January 1, 2018, and provides Congress and the states the intervening year to develop and pass patient-oriented health care reform that will incrementally unravel Obamacare’s structural damage to our health care system and economy.

Full text of the the Obamacare Repeal Act is available here. The bill is cosponsored by Sens. Mike Lee (R-Utah), Rand Paul (R-Ky.), and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) 

Sen. Cruz Continues Leading the Fight Against Radical Islamic Terrorism in the 115th Congress

This week Sen. Ted Cruz reintroduced two bills, alongside Congressman Michael McCaul (R-Texas) and Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Florida) respectively, that will protect Americans from the threat of radical Islamic terror, directing the State Department to hold accountable both the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the Muslim Brotherhood, two foreign entities that espouse a violent Islamist ideology with a mission of destroying the West. Both bills require a report on whether these organizations meet the criteria to be designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations, and if so, will enable the U.S. to take action that could stifle the funding they receive to promote their terrorist activities.  

The IRGC Terrorist Designation Act, introduced with Congressman McCaul who has filed companion legislation in the House of Representatives, urges the U.S. Department of State to designate Iran’s IRGC as a foreign terrorist organization. Likewise, the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act, introduced with Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart who has filed companion legislation in the House of Representatives, urges the U.S. Department of State to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist organization.

“I am proud to reintroduce these bills that would codify needed reforms in America’s war against radical Islamic terrorism,” Sen. Cruz said. “This potent threat to our civilization has intensified under the Obama administration due to the willful blindness of politically-correct policies that hamper our safety and security. A grand détente with the Muslim Brotherhood and a blind eye to the IRGC are not pathways to peace in this struggle; they guarantee the ultimate success of our enemy. It is time to call this enemy by its name and speak with clarity and moral authority.”

Read more about each bill here.

Sen. Cruz Introduces Rex Tillerson: 'A Strong Candidate to Lead Our State Department As We Face the Monumental Task of Restoring America’s Influence Across the World'

West Texas Ag Tour

On Wednesday, Sen. Ted Cruz introduced native Texan and Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee this morning.

“Rex Tillerson is a serious man, who understands the value of perseverance, and he knows what it takes to accomplish difficult tasks,” Cruz said. From an early age, he worked to climb the ranks in Boy Scouts to become an Eagle Scout. He started as a production engineer at Exxon in 1975, eventually climbing his way to the top as CEO of the Fortune 10 company. At Exxon, he led one of the world’s most respected companies, with over 75,000 employees and over $390 billion in revenue.  Exxon, a proud Texas company, does business in 52 countries, and Rex has traveled the globe, negotiating business deals with world leaders, effectively advocating for the interests of his company, shareholders, and employees. 

A complete transcript of Sen. Cruz’s remarks are below, and a video of his remarks can be viewed here.

Sen. Cruz Issues Statement on NAS JRB Fort Worth Receiving the First F-35s

On Thursday, Sen. Cruz released a statement following the United States Air Force selection of NAS JRB Fort Worth as the recipient of the first Air Force Reserve F-35 Joint Strike Fighters.

“After a highly competitive process, the USAF picked the 301st Fighter Wing to be the first Air Force Reserve unit to transition into the fifth-generation aircraft. I am greatly pleased that the Air Force recognized what we in Texas already knew: that NAS JRB Fort Worth and the local community offer exceptional value to the United States Air Force,” Cruz said. “This selection is a true testament to the professionalism of the Airmen in the 301st Fighter Wing, the leadership at NAS JRB Fort Worth, the commitment of local Fort Worth leadership, as well as the unparalleled support for the military from the State of Texas.”

Read the full press release here

Sen. Cruz Op-Ed in Politico: 'The Case for Jeff Sessions'

Sen. Cruz penned an op-ed for Politico, outlining the case for confirming Sen. Jeff Sessions, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for U.S. attorney general. 

“I support Senator Sessions for attorney general for the very reason that many vehemently oppose him. Namely, I—and they—know that Sessions will enforce the law. The fact that this is controversial tells you all you need to know about the sorry intellectual state of our country’s elites, especially in the legal academy and federal bureaucracies,” Cruz wrote. “Senator Sessions believes in the foundational idea that we are governed by objectively knowable, written rules, and that we should not be subject to the interpretive whims of unelected, power-hungry bureaucrats. Sessions will instill this belief at the Department of Justice.”

Read Sen. Cruz’s op-ed in its entirety here.

Sen. Cruz Op-Ed in The Dallas Morning News: 'Mattis As Secretary of Defense Is Good for the U.S. and for Texas'

This week, Sen. Cruz penned an op-ed for The Dallas Morning News  in support of Gen. James Mattis, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for U.S. Secretary of Defense. 

“Taken together, Gen. Mattis’ policy positions represent a badly needed breath of fresh air that will reinvigorate the United States armed forces and strengthen Texas’ role in supporting our national defense,” wrote Sen. Cruz. “After eight years of neglect, our military and our national security are in a precarious position. Our adversaries have grown bolder, and our allies have become less sure of America’s will. Gen. Mattis is an exceptional selection who will restore the warrior ethos to our military, banish political correctness, and direct our concerted energy at defeating our enemies and protecting our homeland. I look forward to supporting his nomination.” 

Read Sen. Cruz’s op-ed in its entirety here.

Sen. Cruz Meets With President Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan

West Texas Ag Tour

On Sunday, Sen. Ted Cruz issued a statement after meeting with President Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan.

"I was honored to meet with President Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan today," said Sen. Cruz. "We discussed our mutual opportunity to upgrade the stature of our bilateral relations in a wide-ranging discussion that addressed arms sales, diplomatic exchanges, and economic relations. Furthering economic cooperation between our two nations must be a priority; increased access to Taiwanese markets will benefit Texas farmers, ranchers and small business owners alike. 

"Shortly before our meeting, the Houston congressional delegation received a curious letter from the Chinese consulate asking members of Congress not to meet with President Tsai, and to uphold the ‘One-China policy’. 

"The People’s Republic of China needs to understand that in America we make decisions about meeting with visitors for ourselves. This is not about the PRC.  This is about the U.S. relationship with Taiwan, an ally we are legally bound to defend.  The Chinese do not give us veto power over those with whom they meet. We will continue to meet with anyone, including the Taiwanese, as we see fit.

"The US-Taiwan relationship is not on the negotiating table. It is bound in statute and founded on common interests. I look forward to working with President Tsai to strengthen our partnership."

Read the full release here.

ICYMI: Sen. Cruz on the Radio

This week Cruz spoke with radio hosts Joe Pags, Michael Berry, and Mark Levin

Audio links to each interview can be found below.

>> The Joe Pags Show <<

>> The Michael Berry Show <<

>> The Mark Levin Show <<


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