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Sen. Cruz: New WOTUS Rule Reflects Reality That We Can Have Both Clean Water and Economic Growth

Issues statement on President Trump’s new rule regarding Waters of the United States

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) issued the following statement regarding President Trump’s executive order on the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule today:

"Today’s executive order on the Waters of the United States rule reflects what many Americans already believe: that we can have both clean water and regulations that don’t stifle economic growth and job creation. The new staff at the EPA will have the opportunity to ensure that the phrase 'navigable waters' maintains its actual, common-sense meaning, and not include puddles and drainage ditches like the regulation-happy bureaucrats at the Obama EPA tried to impose on hard-working farmers and ranchers. I am encouraged by the President’s action to further roll back the administrative state that exploded over the past eight years – action that puts us another step closer to stopping the federal government from controlling what families, farmers, and ranchers in Texas and across the country can and cannot do with their private property."


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