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Sen. Cruz Meets with Veterans Center of North Texas

Discusses efforts to reform the VA and strengthen health care and support for veterans

ALLEN, Texas – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today attended a roundtable discussion with members of the Veterans Center of North Texas. There, Sen. Cruz participated in a Q&A with attendees and shared his efforts on behalf of veterans, including the VA Information Technology Restructuring Act, which he introduced last week. The bill would modernize the Department of Veteran’s Affairs (VA) IT infrastructure in a manner that will better equip it to ensure veterans receive the utmost quality health care. 

Still photos of Sen. Cruz’s visit may be viewed here.

“I was honored to visit with these brave and dedicated veterans,” Sen. Cruz said. “Texas is home to 1.7 million veterans, and as I travel the state this week, I look forward to hearing the concerns and ideas of these brave men and women who have honorably served our nation. The time for VA reform simply cannot wait any longer, and I am proud to work on behalf of veterans to bring accountability to the VA and improve its ability to address the health care needs of our nation’s heroes here in Texas and across the country.”


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