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Sen. Cruz and Rep. Pete Olson Lead Amicus Brief Supporting Texas’ Decision to Defund Planned Parenthood

“Planned Parenthood is a corrupt organization that repeatedly puts its bottom line above the welfare and safety of its patients"

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and U.S. Rep. Pete Olson (R-Texas) today commented on an amicus brief they spearheaded in the case of Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas Family Planning and Preventative Health Services, Inc. v. Smith, filed with the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, defending Texas’ decision to defund Planned Parenthood by removing the organization from its list of qualified Medicaid providers.

The full text of the amicus brief may be viewed here.

“Planned Parenthood has been subject to a series of thorough investigations by both chambers in Congress, where evidence of gross misconduct, including a widespread practice of trafficking fetal body parts directly violating federal and state law, was discovered,” Sen. Cruz said. "The state of Texas took the only responsible course of action and eliminated Planned Parenthood from eligibility for state Medicaid funds. These measures were sensible, within Texas' sovereign and statutory authority, and necessary to protect Texans from the organization’s dangerous practices. In filing this brief along with Rep. Olson, we are taking a strong stand in defense of the unborn while defending the rights of the state of Texas to decide how to allocate its precious resources.”

“States like Texas should have every right to determine how their tax dollars are spent,” Rep. Olson said. “I’m pleased to join with Senator Cruz to stand in defense of both states’ rights and the unborn in support of Texas’ effort to remove Planned Parenthood from its list of qualified Medicaid providers.  The undercover work that shed a light on the allegations harvesting of unborn baby tissue and organs for profit only strengthens our objections to Planned Parenthood receiving tax dollars. A majority of Texans strongly object to tax dollars going to organizations that perform abortions. As a father and legislator, I support women’s access to quality healthcare by funding clinics that don’t perform abortions, or harvest organs and tissue for profit. I thank my House and Senate colleagues for joining us in this amicus brief in support of life and states’ rights.”
