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Sen. Cruz: ‘America Is Standing With Texas’

Visits storm victims, assists with clean-up efforts in Alvin; delivers remarks at the Gulf Coast Industry Forum

PASADENA, Texas – Following U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-Texas) visit in Friendswood with Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), and members of the Texas Congressional delegation, he traveled to Alvin with Team Rubicon to visit with storm victims and assist volunteers clean out flood-damaged homes.

Still photos of Sen. Cruz’s visits will be available here.

“I am grateful for the bipartisan commitments we’re seeing from Congress to ensure Texans have the resources to rebuild and recover from Hurricane Harvey,” Sen. Cruz said. “Texas is hurting. But we are also seeing communities come together to rebuild. America has seen the character of Texas – the selfless generosity of friends helping friends, and neighbors helping neighbors. And America is standing with Texas as we rebuild. It’s that spirit of unity will bring us through and make us stronger.”

Following his visit in Alvin, Sen. Cruz traveled to Pasadena, where he delivered remarks to attendees of the Gulf Coast Industry Forum. There, Sen. Cruz discussed his priorities for Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts, fundamental tax reform, and the needs of Texas' ports and energy industry.

Still photos of Sen. Cruz’s remarks will be available here.

“We are seeing incredibly generosity from Americans across the country reaching out to help their fellow countrymen,” Sen. Cruz said. “While the personal and human impact of Harvey is top of mind, I also don’t want to minimize the impacts of this storm on your industries, on your businesses, because these have very real impacts on the everyday lives of Texans as well. Harvey caused devastating flooding up and down the Gulf Coast, and particularly in Houston. And all that water, it eventually flows from the watersheds above Houston, through the reservoirs, down the bayous and eventually in the Houston Ship Channel before Galveston Bay and finally, the Gulf of Mexico. And though I’m pleased that most of our ports are now up and running, we will be dealing with the impacts of this storm for a long, long time.”
