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Sen. Cruz: The Progress We’ve Made is a Testament to Texas' Can-Do Spirit

Discusses recovery priorities at Greater Houston Partnership State of the Senate; surveys flood damage in Katy

KATY, Texas – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today participated in a Q&A with Marc Watts at the Greater Houston Partnership State of the Senate 2017. There, Sen. Cruz discussed his priorities for storm recovery, fundamental tax reform, and health care reform, among other topics.

When asked about his priorities for recovery, Sen. Cruz highlighted the bipartisan support for storm survivors. 

“We’ve seen Texans coming together,” Sen. Cruz said. “During the storm we saw so many heroes, so many first responders, police officers, firefighters, and guardsmen risking their lives to save their neighbors. Texans helping Texans. And in Congress, among the Texas delegation, we’re seeing a unity that is unprecedented. Just a couple weeks ago, we saw major, bipartisan support for storm survivors with the passage of the Cruz-Cornyn-Rubio bill. This bill provides tax relief for those with extensive property damage, allowing Texans to keep more of their hard-earned money.”

Sen. Cruz also discussed his priorities for fundamental tax reform, highlighting his guiding principles: ‘bold simplicity.’

“I think the details are still very much in flux,” Sen. Cruz said. “We’re still in the early stages, but I believe we’re going to get tax reform done. What I am urging my colleagues, and what I’m urging the President on tax reform is really two words: bold and simple. Be bold and be simple… Texans need meaningful tax cuts.”

Later, Sen. Cruz traveled to Katy, Texas, where he received a briefing from local officials on recovery efforts and surveyed areas damaged by flooding. He also discussed the significant tax relief available to Texans affected by the storm. 

“The progress being made is truly remarkable, and a testament to the Texas can-do spirit,” Sen. Cruz said. “Congress is standing with Texas as we rebuild. Texans are coming together, standing as one, and I have every confidence we will rebuild stronger than ever before.’

Still photos and video of Sen. Cruz’s visits will be available here.


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