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Sen. Cruz: We’re All ‘Stros!

Celebrates Houston Astros’ World Series victory with Sen. Kamala Harris

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Prior to the 2017 World Series, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), placed a friendly wager on the series outcome, each offering the winner cuisine from their respective home state. As a result of the Houston Astros’ victory over the Los Angeles Dodgers, today Sen. Harris delivered California wine to Sen. Cruz’s office. 

Still photos and video of the meeting may be viewed here.

“It was an amazing series,” Sen. Cruz said. “The Dodgers played incredibly. I’m very glad today to be on the winning side and not the losing side. Wearing a Dodgers hat would be very difficult. It was a storybook series and if it had gone 20 games I think the teams would have continued trading games back and forth.”
