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Sen. Cruz Highlights Efforts to Reduce Burdensome Regulations at Texas Water Day

‘Regulatory reform has been an unalloyed victory of this administration’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today addressed members of the Texas Water Conservation Association for the 14th annual Texas Water Day. There, he discussed the four major victories achieved for Texans in 2017, including repealing Obamacare’s individual mandate, and reducing the burden of federal regulations.

Watch Sen. Cruz’s full remarks here.

“Regulatory reform has been an unalloyed victory of this administration,” Sen. Cruz said. “Every cabinet secretary I’ve spoken with – regulatory reform is among the first words out of their mouth. As I talk with Texas business leaders, every one of them describes a fundamentally different attitude of federal regulators not viewing them as the enemy, or trying to stop and stifle new businesses and job creation. You deal with federal regulations all the time. It was very significant to see the administration pulling back on the Waters of the United States rule, and it was exactly the right thing to do. That rule was contrary to federal law, defining just about every puddle as navigable waters. Now y’all are in the water business, and last I checked puddles are not navigable. Seeing the administration pulling back from that burdensome regulation, and burdensome regulations across the spectrum is very positive. That’s something I’m working very, very closely with the president and every cabinet agency in looking at and rolling back rules and regulations that are killing jobs.”

Sen. Cruz continued, urging the members to contact his office, “Our office is happy to work with each of you, as you deal with water issues in your jurisdictions – if you’re running into federal regulations that are just needlessly driving up costs and causing delay, work with us. We’re pursuing a threefold strategy on regulatory reform: executive action, regulatory action, and legislative action.” 


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