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Sen. Cruz: ‘Absent U.S. Leadership, the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen Would Undoubtedly Worsen’

Issues statement regarding U.S. involvement in Yemen

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) issued a statement following his vote regarding U.S. involvement in Yemen:

"Iran and their terror network continue to spread hate and radical ideologies across the Middle East. This deeply destabilizing force must be confronted at every opportunity either directly or through our partners and allies. 

“Yemen, a country plagued with conflict, is fertile ground for exploitation by the Iranian regime to advance their political and military ambitions. The strategic implications of U.S. retreat from established agreements and obligations with our allies not only damages our counterterrorism efforts with partners, but serves to create a vacuum for other actors, such as Russia, to assert unchecked influence and provide material support, without conditions. 

“Absent U.S. leadership, the humanitarian crisis in Yemen would undoubtedly worsen; oversight related to laws of armed conflict would be an afterthought; and our men and women in uniform could potentially be required to engage in a conflict far more dangerous than exists today.

“The supporters of this Resolution have raised some reasonable concerns, and I believe Congress should continue to exercise appropriate oversight over the Executive Branch. I also remain a strong defender of Congress’s constitutional authority to declare war prior to extended military conflict.

“Because our servicemen and women are not themselves engaged in armed conflict in Yemen, but rather are providing refueling and logistical support for the efforts of our allies, the constitutional requirement for a declaration of war is not triggered. 

“I look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to confront and defeat the tyrannical Iranian regime and help ease human suffering in this tumultuous region." 


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