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Sen. Cruz: ‘As the Eyes of the World Focused on Sutherland Springs, This Community, This Church, the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Showed the World the Love of Jesus Christ’

Participates in groundbreaking ceremony for the rebuilding of First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) attended the groundbreaking ceremony for the new First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, following the horrific shooting that took place on November 5, 2017. There, he spoke with congregation members, victims, and family members who lost loved ones in the shooting at First Baptist Church, offering a message of hope and comfort.

“Six months ago, this community saw unspeakable evil, unimaginable ugliness. And yet beyond that evil, this community saw so much more. We saw love, we saw compassion, we saw courage, we saw sacrifice. […]  We will always mourn the precious 26 souls that were taken that day. I will tell you that in the hours, days, and weeks that followed that the strength and peace of this community, as each of you leaned on each other, reflected the love of Jesus Christ. As a result of that horror that visited this community, tv cameras from all over the world came down, and they saw something that before they may never have seen. They saw the love and strength and peace of Jesus. […] It was as powerful as Billy Graham’s crusades across the globe.”

Several news outlets covered the ceremony. Selected news coverage below:

Houston Chronicle: Six months later, Sutherland Springs residents count their blessings
“’This community, what they endured six months ago today, it was unspeakable evil. Unimaginable ugliness,’ said U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, who spoke at the event and had visited the survivors just days after the massacre. ‘And yet, from that horror, emerged beauty. And love.’”

Southern Baptist Texan: Sutherland Springs groundbreaking starts with prayer
“Senator Ted Cruz spoke next, proclaiming, ‘Glory to God,’ reminding all that ‘181 days ago, this community saw the evil’ but also saw strength, sacrifice, courage, passion and love. ‘The entire world saw the gospel,’ Cruz added to resounding applause. Cruz also recounted moments with victims and families. He recalled praying at Brooke Army Medical Center for a victim introduced as Dale.”

KFDX: Sen. Cruz Attends Groundbreaking for First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs
“The Sutherland Springs First Baptist Church broke ground on a new church site, six months after a shooter entered inside and killed 26 people. ‘And as the eyes of the world focused on Sutherland Springs, this community, this Church, the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, showed the world the love of Jesus Christ.’ Sen. Cruz said.”

Univision 41: Sen. Cruz Participa en La Ceremonia De La Iglesia Nueva De Sutherland Springs
“A seis meses de la matanza en Sutherland Springs, en donde 26 personas fueron asesinadas. Este fin de semana iniciaron los trabajos de construcción de lo que será la nueva iglesia. […] ‘Quiero estar aquí para orar, llorar y lo más importante para honrar la vida de las víctimas y de las personas a las que esta tragedia les cambió la vida’ dice Sen. Cruz.”
