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Sen. Cruz: ‘The American People Want Justices Who Will Defend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights’

Appears on Texas’ ‘Michael Berry Show,’ ‘Mark Davis Show’ and Fox News’ ‘Fox & Friends’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) appeared on KTRH’s ‘The Michael Berry Show,’ on Wednesday following the announcement of Justice Kennedy’s retirement from the Supreme Court. Today, Sen. Cruz appeared on Fox News’ ‘Fox & Friends’ where he discussed immigration and President Trump’s summit with Russia’s Vladimir Putin, before discussing news of the day with Salem Radio’s Mark Davis. 

On the ‘Michael Berry Show,’ Sen. Cruz urged President Trump to consider nominating Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), U.S. Solicitor General Noel Francisco, and Fifth Circuit appellate judge Jim Ho to fill the vacancy left by Justice Kennedy. 

“Personally, I believe the single best choice that the President could make would be to nominate Senator Mike Lee to the U.S. Supreme Court,” Sen. Cruz said. “I think Mike would make a phenomenal justice, he would be a justice you could trust to always be faithful to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I think that there are other possibilities that could be considered, including some names that are not on the list. Two names that are not on the list that I think would make very strong choices are the U.S. Solicitor General Noel Francisco, who just argued and won the Trump travel ban case in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. He is a former law clerk to Justice Scalia and would make a very fine Justice. Another choice from back home in Texas is Fifth Circuit appellate judge Jim Ho, who came as a one-year-old immigrant from Taiwan, is a former law clerk to Justice Clarence Thomas and would make another very, very fine Supreme Court Justice. I think there are a number of excellent conservative, constitutionalist choices and I hope that is what we see the President put forward.”

When asked on ‘Fox & Friends’ for his reaction to the news of President Trump’s upcoming summit with Vladimir Putin, Sen. Cruz said the right way to deal with Putin’s aggression is from a position of strength.

“We’ve seen Russia over the last decade get more and more aggressive, more and more hostile to the United States,” Sen. Cruz said. “Under Barack Obama we saw a policy of weakness and appeasement, and I think that only encouraged Putin. I am grateful that under the Trump Administration, we have an Administration again that will stand up and be strong, that will stand up for America’s friends, and stand up to our enemies. I’m hopeful that in this summit, that the President comes in from a position of strength. That’s the right way to deal with Putin, and it’s the right way to deal with Russia.” 

Sen. Cruz also highlighted his priorities for immigration reform, including securing the border and building a wall, and ensuring illegal immigrant families are kept together while enforcing the law. 

“There are two things we can and should do this year on immigration,” Sen. Cruz said on ‘Fox & Friends.’ “Number one, we need to build a wall, and we need to take up a reconciliation bill. That is what we did last year to pass the tax cut, [because] that can’t be filibustered. Use reconciliation to build a wall. To fund it, we only need 50 votes. The Democrats will scream and yell but they can’t stop it and we could get that done this year. Number two, all of us have been horrified at the images we’ve seen of families being separated, of kids being taken from their parents. Everyone can agree children belong with their moms and dads. I introduced legislation to keep families together but at the same time to enforce immigration law. Democrats want to use this crisis - exploit the crisis really - to try to force releasing illegal aliens who have crossed in illegally. That’s the wrong approach. Catch and release is the wrong approach. The legislation I introduced said let’s keep kids with their parents, let’s detain everyone together as a family and then expedite the process. If they meet the standard for asylum, grant it, and if not, send them home and send them home quickly.”

On the ‘Mark Davis Show,’ Sen. Cruz noted he is not looking to serve on the Supreme Court, and emphasized that his priority is serving 28 million Texans. 

“A principled federal judge stays out of political and policy fights,” Sen. Cruz said. “If I was ever a judge, that’s what I’d do. I don’t want to stay out of political and policy fights. […] The Senate is the battleground. And whether it’s cutting taxes, reducing regulations, creating jobs, defending the Constitution, securing the border, rebuilding the military, every day I jump out of bed incredibly proud and privileged to represent 28 million Texans. To fight for Texans every day, and that’s what I want to keep doing, is fighting for Texans every day in the Senate.”

Sen. Cruz on the 'Michael Berry Show'

Sen. Cruz on the 'Mark Davis Show'
