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Sen. Cruz: The Victories We Have Seen on the Policy Front for the State of Texas Are Nothing Less Than Staggering

Delivers remarks, participates in Q&A with members of the American Petroleum Institute


HOUSTON, Texas – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today delivered remarks and participated in a Q&A with members of the American Petroleum Institute. There, he discussed his priorities for America’s energy independence and NAFTA renegotiation, among other topics. 

Sen. Cruz recognized the seventeenth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and thanked the men and women who continue to defend America from the threat of radical Islamic terrorism. 

“We’ve spent 17 years in a war with radical Islamic terrorism,” Sen. Cruz said. “That moment changed this country. But we’ve also seen incredible victories. We’ve seen the Taliban fall. We’ve seen Osama Bin Laden killed. And we’ve seen in the last two years - we’ve seen ISIS almost entirely routed. ISIS has lost virtually every square inch of the territory, the caliphate that they had claimed. Radical Islamic terrorism remains a serious and real threat. But America has responded with strength and courage and valor in the wake of that attack. We are grateful, we thank the soldiers, sailors, airmen, and the marines and all of the heroes who defend this country and who keep us safe. In a time of war or a time of peace America remains safe and secure through American strength.” 

He then reiterated his commitment to job creation in the Lone Star State, noting that remains the number one priority of Texans.

“In the six years I have served in the Senate, I have endeavored each and every day to be the leading champion for oil and gas and for energy in the United States Senate,” Sen. Cruz said. “And there’s a reason for that. My number one priority is jobs. And it’s real simple why: that’s the top priority of Texans. Doesn’t matter if you’re in East Texas, West Texas, the Panhandle or the Valley, Texans want jobs. We want more jobs, we want higher wages, we want more opportunity. And what Texans understand, the way you get jobs is lower taxes, lower regulations, creating an environment where small businesses can prosper. It’s not government - it’s not Washington that creates jobs – it’s the men and women here. It’s each of you here that does it.”

He continued highlighting the victories achieved in the last year and a half under a Republican president and with Republican majorities in Congress. 

“I have to say the last year and a half with a Republican president, with Republican majorities in both houses, the victories we have seen on the policy front for the state of Texas, for jobs, for the economy, are nothing less than staggering,” Sen. Cruz continued. “In December we passed the biggest tax cut of a generation. For the past year and a half, the federal government has been pulling back job killing regulations and the combination of those two – the economy is booming.” 


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