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Sen. Cruz Meets with Cuban Dissident Rosa María Payá on National Victims of Communism Day

WASHINGTON, D.C. - As the son of a Cuban political prisoner, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has led efforts to expose oppressive regimes and advocate on behalf of political dissidents yearning for freedom across the globe. Today, on National Victims of Communism Day, Sen. Cruz met with Cuban political dissident Rosa María Payá to denounce the evils of communism and call for freedom and democracy to be restored to Cuba.

Earlier this week, Sen. Cruz released a video titled, "The Power of American Principles," in recognition of the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, when democracy and freedom prevailed over the brutal tyranny of communism.

Watch Sen. Cruz and Rosa María Payá's full video message here and read the full transcript below.

Sen. Cruz: "I'm incredibly proud to be here with Rosa María Payá, one of the great voices, one of the great dissidents. Rosa María, like your father before you, you've shown courage. You've shown conviction. And you've been willing to speak the truth. The Castro tyranny is corrupt. It is oppressive. It is murderous. It is evil. And they fear the truth, and Rosa María is speaking the truth.

"Today on Victims of Communism Day, we remember all of those who have suffered, who have bled, who have hurt, who have died at the hands of Fidel and Raúl Castro.

"We will see a free Cuba. And it is through the courage of dissidents on the ground that we will see freedom."

Rosa María Payá: "Thank you. Thank you so much for your support and your solidarity with the struggle for democracy of the Cuban people. That same people that will one day hold accountable the dictatorship for all the crimes. The crimes against the Cuban citizens, and also against the citizens of Latin America, for the killing of my father, and for all the victims of the Castro Communism. Thank you so much for your support.

"I will take this opportunity to also demand the immediate liberation of José Daniel Ferrer that has been kidnapped for more than a month, for the Cuban State security, for orders direct orders of Raúl Castro and [Miguel] Díaz-Canel. They should, Raúl Castro and Díaz-Canel, submit themselves to the will of the people and allow the Cuban people to transit to the real democracy. I hope that the rest of the world also supports that right to decide of the Cuban people as you are doing right now."

Sen. Cruz: "The Cuban Communist regime depends on fear, depends on darkness. Truth will overcome. Light will overcome. Freedom will overcome.

"Muchísimas gracias y ¡Viva Cuba Libre!"



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