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Sen. Cruz: I Applaud the Trump Administration for Cutting Bureaucratic Red Tape and Reforming the National Environmental Policy Act

Commends President Trump for implementing the most substantive NEPA reform in 40 years

HOUSTON, Texas – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, today issued a statement applauding President Trump for proposing new rules to modernize and streamline the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). NEPA was signed into law in 1970, and requires federal agencies to determine the environmental impact of major proposed federal actions. Over the years, this review process has increased in length from an average of two years to four and a half years.  

President Trump’s proposed changes would be the most substantive NEPA reform in 40 years, and would provide regulatory certainty for infrastructure projects such as roads, highways, railways, bridges, and waterways, allowing such projects to be built in a timely manner.

“By modernizing and reforming the National Environmental Policy Act, burdensome and duplicative regulations that hinder the movement of key infrastructure projects like the building of highways, waterways, bridges, and airports will be streamlined,” said Sen. Cruz. “NEPA reform is long overdue, and I’m pleased the Trump administration continues to follow through on its commitment to taking on over-regulation that harms businesses and hard-working Americans all across the country.”  


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