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Sen. Cruz: 'We're Making Real Steps Forward to Defend the Right to Life and Your Leadership Is a Big Part'

Praises March for Life 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today released a video message supporting the 2020 March for Life, where hundreds of thousands of Americans rally in D.C. and across the country in support of pro-life policies at all levels of government.

Watch Sen. Cruz's video message here. A full transcript is below.

"This week marks the 47th tragic anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Since that decision, over 61 million unborn children have lost their lives. All of the little boys and little girls that never got to laugh. Never got to play. Never got to grow up to be scientists, to be inventors, to be athletes, to be poets, to be artists - all of the precious life that has been lost.

"I want to thank all of the folks who have come out today for the March for Life. I want to thank you for braving the cold and standing up to defend life. To defend life - every life is a precious gift from God, a unique and precious gift that deserves to be protected from the moment of conception to the moment of natural birth. Your standing for life matters.

"In past years I've been proud to march with you, to take part in the March for Life. It is an affirming, uplifting experience. This year as the march goes on, I'm going to be on the Senate floor in the middle of the impeachment trial. And so know that I will be marching with you in spirit. I will be standing side by side with you celebrating, and celebrating the many victories for life that we've seen in the past three years. From the 187 new federal judges we've confirmed who are committed to defending the Constitution, to restricting taxpayer funding on Planned Parenthood, to defending religious liberty - including stopping the government persecution of the Little Sisters of the Poor. We're making real steps forward to defend the right to life and your leadership is a big part. So thank you. Thank you for standing up and defending life. It makes a difference. God Bless."
