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Sens. Cruz, Johnson, Barrasso Slam the Biden Administration’s Decision to Waive Nord Stream 2 Sanctions

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), and John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) issued the following statement after the Biden administration decided against sanctioning the company involved in construction of the Russian pipeline Nord Stream 2:

"The administration's decision to waive sanctions sends an unfortunate signal that the United States is not prepared to do what Congress has mandated they do: use crushing sanctions to stop the pipeline. Projects like the Nord Stream 2 pipeline are a threat to European energy security. This type of weakness only encourages Putin's aggression; he's not paying a significant price for his malign activities and with decisions like these, the Biden Administration is only encouraging him. It is exactly the wrong message to send."

Sen. Cruz has led the fight in the Senate to halt construction of Putin's pipeline, a project that if completed would undermine America's national security, reward Russia's aggressive expansionism and crimes, and hold our European allies' energy security hostage to Russia. Read more about his recent efforts here.
