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Cruz News: September 1, 2018


September 1, 2018


This week, Heidi and I joined millions of Americans and freedom-loving people around the world in honoring the life and legacy of Senator John McCain. The State of Arizona, and our entire nation, lost a great public servant. Born into a storied Navy family, he spent his entire life in service to his country, including 22 years in the Navy, five and a half of which were spent under the boots of North Vietnamese communists in a Hanoi prison. First elected to Congress during the Reagan Revolution, he championed the strong national defense that he knew would help ensure the survival of freedom and liberty across the globe. Sen. McCain was a patriot, and an extraordinary American war hero. Although he and I sometimes disagreed, I was deeply privileged to serve with him and proud to call him a friend. Heidi and I send our heartfelt thoughts and prayers to Cindy, and to the entire McCain family, as they grieve the loss of a loving husband, father, and grandfather. May he rest in peace.

On Saturday, August 26th Texans marked the first anniversary of Hurricane Harvey’s landfall. I was honored to visit and thank first responders in Rockport and Houston, and highlight my efforts to ensure Texas rebuilds stronger than ever. Sen. Cornyn and I also penned an op-ed in the Houston Chronicle outlining our commitment to the Lone Star State’s full recovery. We have worked hand in hand with federal, state, and local partners in the 12 months since Harvey’s devastation, and will continue working to ensure our coastal communities flourish for generations to come.

My Senate office continues to work to ensure swift and effective service to Texans and Texas communities in need of federal assistance following the devastation of Harvey. If you need additional information or assistance during the recovery and rebuilding process, please do not hesitate to contact my office or utilize the federal and state resources listed here.

Please read below for an update from this last week.

Keep Texas Strong,

TC Sig
Ted Cruz

On the first anniversary of Hurricane Harvey’s landfall, Sens. Cruz and John Cornyn (R-Texas) penned an op-ed for the Houston Chronicle recognizing the devastation Hurricane Harvey wrought on the Texas Gulf Coast, and highlighting their efforts to support Texas’ rebuilding and recovery efforts. Read more...

Sen. Cruz last weekend marked the first anniversary of Hurricane Harvey’s landfall with a visit to Rockport, where he thanked first responders in the First Responders Recognition Program. Read more...

The full press releases may be viewed here.