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Our Path to Recovery


Six months ago, our country faced a global health threat we didn’t fully understand. As Americans fell ill and lost their lives to Covid-19, cities and states moved to lock down their economies, leaving millions of Americans out of work and students to finish their school year online.

But we know a lot more about this virus now. We’ve flattened the curve, we know our hospitals will have sufficient capacity, and we better understand how to combat the coronavirus. Unfortunately, too many states have been slow to re-open their economies and plunged millions of parents into uncertainty surrounding their children’s education. As a result of sustained mandated shutdowns, millions of Americans remain out of work and GDP has shrunk by 9.5%.

Keeping our businesses and our schools shut down is not only unsustainable, it poses a grave threat to our country’s economic future. The longer we wait to reopen the economy the harder it will be for Main Street to rebound and for our country to recover.

Frustratingly, too many elected Democrats have cynically decided it serves their partisan interests to maximize the economic pain of the American people. That’s wrong, and the consequences are dire. Just last week, Senate Democrats blocked targeted relief that included several of my proposals to expand school choice and support families and students during these unprecedented times.

Instead of the political bickering and gamesmanship, I believe Congress’ number one priority should be getting the economy back on its feet. This means helping the millions of small businesses that are really struggling and are on the verge of going under. 

In the Senate, I’m leading the fight to get the American people safely back to work and our students safely back to school. That’s why I’ve introduced the RECOVERY Act.

WATCH: Cruz on CNBC: RECOVERY Act Is How We Reopen Our Economy, Get Americans Safely Back To Work & School

Now you may be thinking, how is the RECOVERY Act different than other proposals? The RECOVERY Act is comprehensive legislation entirely focused on restarting the economy. My bill would expand Covid-19 testing, deliver meaningful tax relief to employers and employees, bring supply chains back to the United States, and eliminate burdensome regulations that hurt small businesses. It would also give Americans who stopped saving for retirement this year the ability to make “catch-up” contributions and to restore their nest egg if they took a distribution from their retirement plan to cover expenses. You can learn more about the RECOVERY Act here.

Texans and Americans know that the challenges we face cannot be solved by simply borrowing more money from China. Instead, we need to unleash the power of the American free enterprise system and focus on the long term recovery of our country. 

That remains my focus, and that’s what I’ll keep fighting for going forward.

Keep Texas Strong,


READ: Sen. Cruz on CNBC: Here’s How We Can Get the Economy Back up and Running
In an op-ed for CNBC, Sen. Cruz outlines how his comprehensive RECOVERY Act would help small businesses re-hire their employees and create jobs, help kids get back to school safely, allow Americans to catch-up on their retirement savings, and help find cures for COVID-19 while increasing testing. Read more…

Sen. Cruz Calls on CDC Director for Coronavirus Data to Inform Policymakers, Restore Americans’ Trust
On Thursday Sen. Cruz released the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) response to a letter he sent in August regarding the lack of clarity and commonly accepted facts about the coronavirus and our nation's response to the pandemic. Sen. Cruz also discussed the correspondence on the Steve Deace Show. Read more…

Sen. Cruz: Trump Admin Must Go Even Further In Reversing Obama-Biden Legacy Appeasing the Chinese Communist Party
On Thursday, Sen. Cruz  participated in a full committee hearing focused on "Advancing U.S. Engagement and Countering China in the Indo-Pacific and Beyond." There, he questioned witnesses on the Trump administration's efforts to support U.S. allies, like Taiwan, and to counter China's control of critical mineral supply chains. Read more…

WATCH: Sen. Cruz to the Epoch Times: Communist China Is ‘New Evil Empire’ That Seeks to ‘Utterly Defeat’ the US 

Sen. Cruz Introduces SUSPEND Act To Sanction China for Arms Control and Nuclear Weapons Violations
On Wednesday, Sen. Cruz introduced the Strongly and Unambiguously Sanctioning Proliferators Exploiting Nuclear Diplomacy (SUSPEND) Act of 2020, a bill to impose sanctions on the defense sectors of China and Russia unless those countries reverse violations of their obligations under international arms control treaties, specifically their obligations under Article VI of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) to reduce their nuclear stockpiles. Read more…

Sen. Cruz on TikTok: Any Deal That Fails To Address All National Security Concerns Should Be Outright Rejected
In response to reports that Oracle and the Chinese-owned ByteDance have reached an agreement, Sen. Cruz sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin raising concerns that the deal could leave the American people exposed to undo influence by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and undermine U.S. national security interests. Read more…

Sen. Cruz Introduces Bill Honoring Fallen Border Patrol Agent Donna Doss
This week, Sens. Cruz and John Cornyn (R-Texas) introduced the Donna M. Doss Memorial Act of 2020, a bill that would rename the U.S. Border Patrol Station in Rocksprings to honor Agent Doss. Read more…

Sen. Cruz Receives 'A' Rating on the Susan B. Anthony List National Pro-Life Scorecard
On Wednesday, Sen. Cruz received an ‘A’ rating on the Susan B. Anthony List National Pro-Life Scorecard. Read more…

Sen. Cruz Applauds Historic Peace Deal Between Israel-United Arab Emirates and Bahrain
On Tuesday, Sen. Cruz joined President Donald Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, Emirati Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, and Bahraini Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al-Zayani at a White House signing ceremony for the Abraham Accords, historic agreements to normalize relations between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and BahrainRead more…

WATCH: Sen. Cruz on 'Sunday Morning Futures': 'The Stakes Right Now Are Enormously High'

Sen. Cruz, Colleagues Pen Letter to Disney CEO Following Cooperation with Elements in Xinjiang During the Filming of Mulan
Sen. Cruz joined his Senate colleagues in sending a bipartisan letter to The Walt Disney Company’s Chief Executive Officer Bob Chapek, inquiring about Disney’s cooperation with Xinjiang’s security and propaganda authorities in the production of the movie Mulan. Read more…

Sen. Cruz Calls for Criminal Investigation Into Netflix’s ‘Cuties’
Following Netflix's disturbing promotion and defense of its new pornographic film sexualizing young children, Sen. Cruz sent a letter calling on the Department of Justice to investigate whether Netflix, its executives, or the makers of the film "Cuties" violated any federal laws against the production and distribution of child pornography. Read more…