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Cruz News: July 22, 2017



July 22, 2017


This week, I participated in a productive meeting to advance health care reform efforts at the White House with President Trump and many of my Senate colleagues. According to a recent study conducted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, my Consumer Freedom amendment in the Senate health care reform bill expands coverage by more than two million individuals and reduces health insurance premiums by more than $7,000 per year. Additionally, I am pleased that the bill includes a proposal I called for that will allow for the use of pre-tax dollars in health savings accounts to pay for health insurance premiums, which will result in significant savings for consumers. While the health care reform debate continues, we must continue our efforts to lower premiums and give Texans, and not the government, more control over their own health care. 

On Monday, I delivered a letter to Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, urging the U.S. government to support American companies, American workers and American consumers by enforcing the “Open Skies” agreements. Gulf carriers have blatantly disregarded these agreements, and have jeopardized American jobs. “Open Skies” agreements are vitally important for hardworking Texans and Americans across this country, and I am hopeful they will be upheld. 

We were saddened this week by the news of Sen. John McCain’s cancer diagnosis. John is an American hero and a fighter with an iron will. He will no doubt face this battle with the same determination with which he has taken on all obstacles in his life. This weekend, I ask that you keep Sen. John McCain, his wife Cindy and his entire family in your thoughts and prayers.

Please read below for an update from this last week.

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HHS Study Finds Cruz Consumer Freedom Amendment Expands Coverage by More Than Two Million Individuals, Reduces Premiums by More Than $7,000 Per Year

According to a new report conducted by the Department of Health and Human Services, the Consumer Freedom amendment proposed by Sen. Cruz to the Senate's Better Care Reconciliation Act expands coverage by more than two million individuals, and reduces health insurance premiums by more than $7,000 per year. Read more…

ICYMI: Sen. Cruz: It’s Time to Keep Our Seven-Year Promise to Repeal Obamacare

Sen. Cruz appeared on Fox News’ ‘Hannity,’ ‘Fox and Friends’ and Fox Business’ ‘Mornings with Maria’ to discuss his efforts on health care reform, including the Consumer Freedom amendment. Read more…

ICYMI: Sen. Cruz on 'The Sean Hannity Show'

Sen. Cruz Wednesday appeared on ‘The Sean Hannity Show,' following Senate Republicans' lunch at the White House. Read more…

ICYMI: Stephen Moore Op-Ed on 'Why the Cruz amendment is smart policy'

Stephen Moore, an economist at Heritage Foundation and Senior Economic Contributor at Freedom Works, recently wrote an op-ed for outlining the merits of Sen. Cruz's Consumer Freedom proposal, citing that it "could save tens of millions of Americans as much as 30% on their health costs" and "empowe[r] people and families to pick and choose what they want in their own insurance package." Read more…

Sen. Cruz Issues Statement Urging the Administration and Members of Congress to Take Action on Iran

Sen. Cruz Wednesday called for the unconditional release of all U.S. citizens unjustly imprisoned in Iran, including Princeton graduate student Xiyue Wang, who was recently sentenced by the Iranian regime to 10 years in the brutal Evin prison. Read more…

Sen. Cruz: Enforcing “Open Skies” Agreements is Vitally Important to Promoting a Free Market

Wednesday, Sen. Cruz delivered a letter to Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, urging the United States government to promote American companies, workers, and consumers by upholding and enforcing “Open Skies” agreements. Read more…

Sen. Cruz: ‘Kay Bailey Hutchison is an Extraordinary Choice to be Ambassador to NATO’

Sen. Cruz Thursday introduced former Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas at her confirmation hearing to be the U.S. Ambassador to NATO. Read more…

Sen Cruz: Honors the Devotion of Dr. Liu Xiaobo and Liu Xia in the Fight for Democracy and Freedom for the Chinese People

Sen. Cruz Wednesday introduced a bipartisan bill with Sens. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) to grant lawful permanent resident status in the United States for Liu Xia, the wife of Dr. Liu Xiaobo. Read more…

The full press release can be viewed here.


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