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e-Newsletter: Week of April 19th

Good Evening,

Our country was founded upon the principles of law and order, but this week Senate Democrats looked the American people dead in the eye and told them they truly don’t care about the Constitution, the rule of law, or the safety and security of our country and its citizens when they dismissed the articles of impeachment against Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. Make no mistake—this is a deliberate. They threw the articles of impeachment out the window because they knew the facts which would be made known to the American electorate during the impeachment trial are completely indefensible. The American people deserve better.


“What we just witnessed was a travesty. It was a travesty to the United States Constitution. And a travesty to the American people. It's important to understand why the Democrats did what they did. I want the record to reflect … a very accurate count of the number of Democrats who are with us – that would be zero. … Not a single Democrat senator chose to come to this floor and listen to one word of evidence. When it comes to the Constitution, the Democrats have concluded that by Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas defying federal law, ignoring the text of the statute, deliberately releasing criminal illegal aliens over and over and over again, [is all] just hunky dory. …. When Democrats are in charge of the Senate, the entire Cabinet can ignore the law and it’s no longer impeachable in Democrat Wonderland.”

On Newsmax, I joined Greta Van Susteren to discuss Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s effort to strip the Senate of its right to hold an impeachment trial on Alejandro Mayorkas.


“The Senate has the exclusive power, and I would argue the responsibility, to try impeachment. In our nation's history, twenty-two times this has happened. The House of Representatives has impeached an individual, and sent articles of impeachment to the Senate. Prior to yesterday, in every case in which the Senate had jurisdiction—so there for cases where the individual had either died or left office—the Senate conducted a trial, heard evidence, adjudicated the matter, and every senator voted guilty or not guilty. That had been the continuous precedent for 200 years until yesterday, when every Democrat decided they were not going to do their constitutional duty. They would not allow a trial to happen. They would not hear any evidence. Instead they simply ruled at the outset that we're not going to consider the matter.”

The Biden border crisis has been consistently one of Joe Biden’s greatest failures in office, but the truth is that everything has gotten worse under his leadership. Bidenomics has failed miserably, our enemies are emboldened and our allies are weakened, and we had a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan which is only the tip of the iceberg of this administration’s reckless leadership. 


“The Biden record is a train wreck. The American people are doing much worse after three and a half years of Bidenomics, inflation, open borders, and crime. Not to mention two wars and the disaster Biden's brought in. [In contrast] when we had Donald Trump, a Republican House, and whenever we had a Republican Senate we had the economy was booming, peace, and prosperity. People's lives were better.”

If all of that wasn’t enough, Joe Biden has now decided to cut off half of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska from drilling, and he’s halting the construction of Ambler Road so we can access critical minerals right here in the U.S., instead of relying on our foreign adversaries. Harnessing American energy is critical to our nation’s economic development and national security, but Joe Biden doesn’t care. He only cares about appeasing the radical climate activists on the fringes of the Democrat Party. 



“Joe Biden and the Democrats love oil and gas when it's produced by Iran, Venezuela, and our enemies. When he came into office, he refused to enforce the oil sanctions that had crippled Iran's economy and Iran's production went from 300,000 barrels a day of exports to today over 2 million barrels a day. That is a choice. … So, Joe Biden and the radicals in the Democrat Party are benefiting our enemies, hurting America, and they are hurting the environment as well. This makes no sense. But it is the direct product, unfortunately, of where we are, which is that the Democrat agenda is driven by the radical extreme. And they've forgotten about the middle, they forgotten about common sense. They forgotten about the middle class, they only listen to the loudest and most shrill voices out there.”

Rest assured, I will continue to be a voice of reason in Congress. God Bless! 

Keep Texas Strong, 



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