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e-Newsletter: Week of February 2nd

Good Evening,

Big Tech is putting their profits over the wellbeing of our children, and I’ve had enough of their misuse of social media platforms to exploit children online. This week, I called out Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg on his role in enabling child sex predators to access Instagram content exploiting vulnerable children online who have been sexually abused. In June of 2023, a Wall Street Journal report revealed Instagram’s algorithm was helping pedophiles access posts promoting child sexual abuse by giving users the option to “see results anyway.” This is not only a grotesque abuse of power, but also a clear act of negligence. 


“We’re here because every parent I know, and I think every parent in America, is terrified about the garbage that is directed at our kids. I have two teenagers at home and the phones they have are portals to predators, to viciousness, to bullying, and to self-harm. Each of your companies could do a lot more to prevent it. … What was particularly concerning about the Wall Street Journal expose was the degree to which Instagram’s own algorithm was promoting the discoverability of victims for pedophiles seeking child abuse material. In other words, this material wasn't just living on the dark corners of Instagram. Instagram was helping pedophiles find it by promoting graphic hashtags. … Mr. Zuckerberg, what the hell were you thinking?”

I also joined Larry Kudlow on his Fox Business show to discuss this grave abuse of power further.


Right now, Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer are parading a broken border deal through the halls of Congress that won’t fix the crisis at our southern border. I joined Mark Levin on his Fox News show to discuss how Republicans should use the leverage we have to force a border deal that actually prioritizes national security instead of enabling this crisis.


“Unfortunately, Republican leadership is like Charlie Brown with Lucy and the football. Although this time it's ‘Lucy Schumer,’ and every time they run to kick it ‘Lucy Schumer’ pulls the ball away. Republican leadership never seems to learn. We actually don't know what's in the bill because they won't show us statutory text which tells you how bad it is. But we do know the bullet points. They essentially normalize 5,000 illegal immigrants a day – that works out to over 1.8 million illegal immigrants a year. That is ridiculous. Yet, that's where Republican leadership is and I think we should use our leverage to say, ‘fix the problem.’”

Under Joe Biden’s watch, 9.6 million illegal aliens have infiltrated our southern border. As the ranking member on the Senate Commerce Committee, I brought together a coalition of Republican lawmakers to demand that Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson provide answers on why O’Hare International Airport and Midway International Airport are being used to house illegal aliens. Read the letter here.


“Chicago O'Hare Airport gets tens of millions of dollars … [of] federal funds, to run an airport so people could fly in and out of Chicago and all over the world. Instead, the [Democrat mayor] is using those funds to essentially pay for housing for his sanctuary city. Under the terms of the federal grants, the money is supposed to go to keeping the airport available for the public, not to be housing for illegal aliens.”

As the ranking member on the Senate Commerce Committee, I’ve also been committed to protecting student athletes competing at the highest levels of collegiate athletics. This week, I welcomed student leaders and faculty from the Texas Christian University Student Government Association who attended the Big 12 on the Hill Conference to discuss my commitment to Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) rights for student athletes. Additionally, I was proud to introduce and pass a resolution commemorating TCU’s 150th anniversary, which I presented to the TCU delegation.


Rest assured, I will continue to fight for our freedom. God Bless!

Keep Texas Strong,



READ: Sens. Cruz and Fetterman Collaborate on School Anti-Social Media Bill

ICYMI: Sen. Cruz Issues Statement on Iran Attack

READ: Cruz Blames Biden For 3 Dead U.S. Troops: ‘Will Allow Americans To Be Killed And Will Not Respond’

ICYMI: EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Senator Ted Cruz demands big tech to enhance online safety for kids

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