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e-Newsletter: Week of June 15th

Good Evening,

For the last three and a half years the Biden administration has left our southern border wide open, effectively handing out invitations to terrorists to come into our country. As of today, eight terrorists affiliated with ISIS-K from Tajikistan have been arrested after coming here illegally and being released into the United States. It’s utterly indefensible for Joe Biden and the Democrats to sit idly by as terrorists enter our communities.


“Look the FBI is trying to do everything they can to sound the alarm. What the Biden administration is doing [and] what the Democrats are doing is reckless. It is dangerous. [And] sadly, I believe we are at a greater risk today of a major terrorist attack than we have been any time since September 11.”

We are witnessing first-hand the effects of Joe Biden’s weakness and ineffectiveness. Our enemies smell blood in the water because of his policy of appeasement. This is exactly why we’re seeing Russian warships on the shores of Cuba with hypersonic weapons testing missiles just 90 miles off the coast of Florida.


“Three and a half years ago, Joe Biden inherited peace and prosperity. [Since] he came into office, every single region of the world has gotten materially worse. We now have two simultaneous wars waging. We have the biggest war in Europe since World War II [and] the worst war in the Middle East in 50 years. All of that is the direct consequence of a weak and ineffective president. Our enemies have looked to the Oval Office, [and] they've seen a Commander-in-Chief that they are not afraid of.”

Right now, our country needs strong leadership that embraces the merits of freedom. This is exactly why I took to the Senate floor to call for unanimous consent to pass my legislation protecting the medical miracle of IVF in all 50 states. This legislation should have passed 100-0, but the Democrats objected because they want to run on a boldface lie in November that “Republicans want to ban IVF.” Their ploy is a scare tactic to mislead the American people, and yet another example of Democrats putting politics over people.


“Senate Democrats have embraced a Summer of Scare Tactics—a partisan campaign of false fearmongering intended to mislead and confuse the American people. In vitro fertilization is legal and available in every state across our nation. We strongly support continued nationwide access to IVF, which has allowed millions of aspiring parents to start and grow their families.”

As the Ranking Member on the Senate Commerce Committee, I am committed to holding our aviation industry accountable to the highest standards of safety and security for the traveling public. This week in committee, I questioned FAA Administrator Whitaker about Boeing’s missing documents on Alaska Airlines flight 1282 and how the FAA will ensure their oversight of Boeing production is sufficient to prevent future incidents.


“Boeing was a storied company with a rich history of building the best and the safest planes in the world. During the pandemic, Boeing conducted employee buyouts and involuntary layoffs. Once travel picked up and airplane orders resumed, Boeing hired to fill the workforce gap. According to a Wall Street Journal article published this week, of the more than 30,000 Boeing employees represented by one of the unions, roughly half have less than six years of experience. That is double the level before the pandemic. During your investigation, to what extent has the inexperience of engineers or inspectors contributed to some of the observations made in the FAA audit?”

Rest assured, I won’t stop fighting for the freedom, safety, and security of Texans. God Bless!

Keep Texas Strong,






ICYMI: Sen. Cruz Statement on Senate IVF Legislation and Vote
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