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e-Newsletter: Week of June 8th

Good Evening,

Eighty years ago, on June 6, 1944, tens of thousands of Allied forces launched an assault on the occupied beaches of Normandy, France. As they fought to free Europe from the grip of the Axis powers, they displayed acts of heroism that altered the course of history. I am humbled and honored to join several of my colleagues in Normandy, France, this week to commemorate the anniversary of D-Day and remember the incredible courage of those boys on the beach. Their selfless act of heroism, as they charged headfirst into danger and sacrificed life and limb in defense of liberty, will forever be etched into the fabric of the free world. It’s an incredible privilege to join surviving World War II veterans and world leaders to say thank you to the Greatest Generation for their extraordinary sacrifice and bravery.


“As we reflect upon the anniversary of this perilous operation, we honor the courage and sacrifice of the Americans and our allies who charged headfirst into danger and sacrificed life and limb to preserve liberty not only for us but for freedom-loving people throughout the world.”



I will always fight for our country’s security, which is why I’m committed to securing our southern border. This week, Joe Biden issued an executive order that has absolutely nothing to do with securing the border and everything to do with his re-election campaign. He’s had three years to fix the crisis he willingly and intentionally created, but he has refused to act. This executive order is a hypocritical play to put politics over the American people he was elected to serve.


“He could have issued this order in 2021, … in 2022, … [or] in 2023. He could have issued it last month, or the month before … and he didn't. Why? Because he wants the 11 million illegals who have invaded this country. … They see them all as future Democrat voters. … This is all about the election in five months, and this is political camouflage. Joe Biden wants to say, ‘I solved the problem.’ It's all a prop. He thinks the voters are stupid, and they're going to ignore the last three and a half years.”

Make no mistake, we’ve seen this political theatre before. Remember when Joe Biden dipped into our Strategic Petroleum Reserve to lower gas prices, or when he “cancelled” student loan debt? These were all politically motivated actions to angle for votes, and his executive order to “solve” the border crisis is part of that pattern.


“Joe Biden and the Democrats have presided over a criminal invasion of the United States of America. We are facing the worst illegal immigration our nation has ever seen. Eleven million illegal immigrants have come in invited by the Democrats. When Joe Biden came into office, he inherited the lowest rate of illegal immigration in 45 years. All he had to do was nothing, just sit there and stare at the wall, but instead he deliberately broke the system. … This is election year politics, and by the way, we've seen this game before. Apparently, the Democrats have one playbook which is create a crisis, and then a couple of months before the election do something very mild to address the crisis and say, ‘See, problem solved.’ … The Democrats want this criminal invasion, and police officers being shot, young women being murdered, [and] children being raped. They're unwilling to stand up and protect them. It's immoral. It's wrong.”

In the Senate, I have been fighting for American families. I recently introduced legislation, alongside Sen. Katie Britt (R-Ala.), to protect IVF at the federal level. Our straightforward legislation makes it clear that no state can institute a ban on IVF technology that has given miraculous hope to millions of Americans and has given families across the country the gift of children.


“Every single senator in the U.S. Senate strongly supports IVF. … [My legislation], at the federal level, gives a federal right to IVF. … That'll give parents comfort, with all the political noise they hear, that they know IVF will be available if they need it … to bring a little boy or little girl into the world.”

I’m also grateful for Sen. Joni Ernst's (R-Iowa) legislation to make it easier to access birth control. Right now, Senate Democrats are scaremongering, falsely claiming that Republicans are trying to ban birth control and IVF. They're trying to divert attention from their support for abortion up to the moment of birth without any restrictions, which the vast majority of Americans oppose.


“Every Democrat in this body has voted repeatedly in favor of unlimited abortion on demand literally up until the moment of birth. … That's an extreme position. … [And now], they're trying to change the topic to birth control. All 100 senators, every single senator, agrees that birth control should be protected as a matter of law. And yet, what did we just see, … the Democrats objected. Why did they object? Understand why they objected, because they want to use this as an issue in November to scare people, and they don't want to talk about their own radical record. Instead, they want to falsely claim somebody is coming to take contraception. That is deliberately false.”

Rest assured, fighting for the safety, security, and freedom of American families is always a top priority of mine. God Bless!

Keep Texas Strong,



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