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e-Newsletter: Week of November 10th

Good Evening,

Our country was built upon the principles of liberties from free speech to freedom of religion. This week, I delivered remarks to First Liberty, a group of lawyers who are at the front lines of the battle to defend religious liberty, and the founding principles that have made our country great.



On Monday, I joined Varney & Co. on Fox Business to discuss how the Biden administration has undermined our ally Israel by enabling and funding Hamas terrorists who are slaughtering, beheading, and raping Jewish women and children.


“This President and his administration have approached our enemies [with] weakness. … Appeasement doesn't work. … We're gonna send $100 million to Gaza – that'll go straight to Hamas. That is insanity. Stop sending money to people who are killing not only our allies, but killing Americans.”

On Tuesday, as the ranking member of the Senate Commerce Committee I attended the subcommittee on Travel, Tourism, and Export Promotion hearing on “Sustainable Tourism for a Thriving Economy.”

On Tuesday, I also joined Eric Bolling on The Balance on Newsmax to discuss the horrific manifesto of the deranged leftist Nashville school shooter, and the left’s toxic rhetoric on “white privilege” and the role it played in this tragedy.


“This manifesto demonstrates that this deranged shooter was a radical leftist who was lashing out at ‘white privilege.’ The toxic rhetoric from the left, the toxic rhetoric of critical race theory, is what drives this nonsense of ‘white privilege.’ Any time there is a crime that contradicts the narrative of the left, it quickly disappears from the headlines."

Rest assured, I will continue to unequivocally defend your right to practice your faith freely. God Bless!

Keep Texas Strong,



READ: Cruz Calls Out Smears Against Justice Thomas Ahead of Subpoenas: 'Utterly and Completely Hypocritical'
ICYMI: 'HELL. NO.': Cruz Reacts to Democrat Letter Urging Biden to Allow Palestinian Refugees into U.S.
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ICYMI: Sens. Cruz, Cornyn Introduce Resolution to Commemorate the 150th Anniversary of Texas Christian University

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