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e-Newsletter: Week of November 17th

Good Evening,

Since Joe Biden took office, this administration has gifted nearly $100 billion dollars to the Ayatollah of Iran, who chants death and destruction to America and our allies. Iran has been deploying these funds to bolster Hamas’s savage terrorist attacks on the Jewish people in Israel. The solution here is easy – don’t give money to terrorists who want to kill us. Unfortunately, the Democrat Party could care less. This past weekend, I joined Real Time with Bill Maher and did a deep dive into why Joe Biden is responsible for fueling the war in Israel.


“Joe Biden is responsible for 100 billion dollars going to the Ayatollah – he made a decision to do that and Iran funds Hamas. The Wall Street Journal reported in September, [Iran] brought Hamas terrorists to Iran, and trained them in Iran to carry out the attack. … Don't give money to terrorists who want to kill us, and unfortunately the Democrat party is on the other side of that.”

This past Sunday, I joined Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo on Fox News to discuss the elaborate money laundering scheme that Joe Biden and Hunter Biden appear to be involved in.


We do have evidence on Ukraine, and in particular that Joe Biden demanded the firing of the prosecutor in Ukraine that was investigating the corrupt oligarch who owns Burisma. [Biden] threatened to and in fact did withhold over a billion dollars in American loan guarantees until they fired that prosecutor. When it comes to bribery, the essence of bribery is quid pro quo – this for that. We know that occurred.”

On Tuesday, it was deeply inspiring to stand alongside nearly 300,000 people, on the National Mall, expressing our unified and unshakeable support for our friend and ally Israel to utterly destroy Hamas, for as long as it takes. 


“It is inspiring, seeing … people from every state in the Union coming together [to say] America stands … unequivocally with Israel. We stand against the monster and the horror that is Hamas. We support Israel's right to defend itself. … Our prayers are with the people of Israel.”

On Wednesday, I joined Don’t @ Me with Dan Dakich on OutKick to discuss the explosion ofcrime in Washington, D.C. and across the nation due to the radical left’s policies.



“One of the things we've seen over the last three years is crime rates skyrocketing across the country. … The reason we're seeing this rise in crime is very simple, there are radical leftist … elected officials [that] are letting violent criminals go.”  

Later on Wednesday, I spoke with members of the Texas Farm Credit Union about ways to promote the interest of our rural communities, our agricultural industry, and our farmers across the Lone Star State.




Rest assured, I won’t back down in my efforts to stand up for our friend and ally Israel. God Bless!

Keep Texas Strong,



READ: Cruz and Ogles seek to block forced use of 'preferred pronouns' across federal agencies
ICYMI: Sen. Cruz Statement on Continuing Resolution Vote
READ: Cruz Slams Corporate Media For Promoting Hamas Propaganda: ‘Lying On Behalf OfTerrorists’
ICYMI: Sen. Cruz Statement on Senate Vote Over Support for Israel

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