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e-Newsletter: Week of October 6th

Time and time again, Joe Biden has consistently ignored the crisis unfolding at our southern border. Now that blue states are finally experiencing the disastrous consequences of the Biden administration’s broken border policies, they care. The hypocrisy is palpable. The Biden administration recently admitted that they must build twenty miles of border wall despite efforts to halt all construction immediately after he was sworn into office. Enough is enough. Texas deserves better and I will continue to fight to secure our border.

On Tuesday, I joined Sean Hannity on Fox News to discuss the importance of unifying against the left-wing radicals that are destroying our country.



“I'm feeling many of the sentiments that Republicans and conservatives across this country are feeling. On the one hand, the House of Representatives is the one bright spot we've got. … I don't like seeing chaos. I do hope we can come together and say, these crazy Marxist radical leftists that are destroying our country—we are unified against. I don’t know who the next Speaker of the House will be, but I hope they focus on something I called for nearly a year ago … impeaching Alejandro Mayorkas.”

On Wednesday, I attended the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing where I questioned the radical Marxist views of Judge Mustafa Taher Kasubhai, a nominee for the federal bench.


“I think your fellow nominees owe you a debt of gratitude. Many Biden nominees have been extreme, but your record is so far out of the mainstream that you have attracted virtually all of the questions. I was particularly intrigued by your statement … you said you are not in fact, a Marxist. And then you said, and I wrote down, ‘I have not praised Marxist ideas.’ Now you know, in law there is the fact of evidence. … [You wrote] an article that is entitled centralized property theory … on the front page of your law school newspaper. … In 2020, you gave a speech entitled reflections on equity and privilege. … Now that’s Marxism in 2020.”

On Wednesday, as the ranking member of the Senate Commerce Committee, I questioned the nominee for FAA administrator, Michael Whitaker. This is a crucially important role as three million passengers board commercial flights every day going in and out of U.S. airports with confidence that they will arrive safely to their destinations. 



“When it comes to aviation safety, the buck stops with the FAA. This is a crucially important role. The next administrator will face serious challenges in rebuilding the FAA after 18 months without a Senate-confirmed leader. They must address the challenges facing the FAA: staffing critical air traffic control facilities, modernizing antiquated air traffic systems, and bringing employees back in person after three years of telework.”

Later Wednesday evening, I joined Mike Warren of Fox 7 News Austin to discuss my bill the Agent Raul Gonzales Officer Safety Act. The bill would protect the brave men and women in law enforcement by criminalizing fleeing from agents or officers in a high-speed chase.


“[The Agent Raul Gonzales Officer Safety Act is] named after Border Patrol Agent Raul Gonzales, who was killed in December of last year. … An illegal immigrant was fleeing from him and his ATV ended up flipping over, and killing him. This bill provides very significant jail time for failing to yield to a border patrol agent because that is endangering not just border patrol agents and law enforcement, but it’s endangering the citizens of South Texas and citizens across our state.”

On Thursday morning, I joined Lawrence Jones of Fox & Friends at a diner in North Dallas to discuss the Biden administration’s false sympathy towards the threat of illegal immigration facing Texas and other southern border states. 



“Blue states are finally seeing the consequences of [illegal immigration]. … What do they think 7.6 million has done to Texas and the other border states? They are experiencing now what we’ve been seeing for a long time, … a crisis that is out of control.  I do not believe for a minute that Joe Biden wants to fix it.”

Rest assured, I won’t let up in this fight to keep Texas safe and secure our nation. God Bless! 

Keep Texas Strong, 





READ: Cruz argues Biden’s border wall order is just ‘window dressing’ amid migrant crisis
ICYMI: GOP senators pledge to block any non-spending-related bills Schumer brings to the floor ahead of next deadline
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