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e-Newsletter: Week of September 30th

Under Joe Biden’s watch, we have experienced the highest rate of illegal immigration ever recorded in our nation’s history, and Texas is paying the highest price. The broken border policies of the Biden administration are utterly indefensible. In Texas, we are at the front line as our communities continue to suffer from the rampant influx of drugs and illegal immigration that has overrun our state. Last weekend, I was interviewed by Patrick Svitek in Austin, Texas at The Texas Tribune Festival, where I addressed the chaos occurring at our southern border.


“One of the talking points that you see from the White House is, ‘well, the border is just not solvable.’ The problem with that is that is objectively false. When Joe Biden came into office he inherited the lowest rate of illegal immigration in forty-five years and this crisis was cause by three specific decisions. Number one, … Biden immediately halted construction of the border wall. Number two, he reinstated the failed policy of catch and release. … Number three, he pulled out of the incredibly successful ‘Remain in Mexico’ agreement.”

On Monday, I joined Sean Hannity on Fox News to discuss how the Biden administration’s failed economic policies are putting an unbearable weight on the backs of American families as inflation continues to soar.


“Bidenomics has made life harder for working men and women. … The cost of everything has gone up. It’s harder and harder to make ends meet. Young people coming out of school are discovering they can’t pay their rent, they can’t pay their car payment, and God forbid you try to buy a house.”

On Wednesday, I joined Harris Faulkner of the Faulkner Focus on Fox News to address the fact that now more than 7.6 million illegal immigrants have crossed our southern border since Joe Biden took office.


“It’s the worst illegal immigration in our nation’s history and it is reaching crisis proportions everywhere, but especially in Texas. Texas is bearing the brunt. And it’s striking, we are now seeing Democrat mayors and Democrat governors all over the country declaring emergencies. … If 110,000 is destroying New York City and is a crisis, what the heck does he think 7.6 million is doing to Texas and the other southern border states.”

On Wednesday afternoon, I addressed the Senate floor in support of the Pay Our Military Act. Senate Democrats are refusing to fund our military as the government barrels towards a shutdown, while they continue to put politics over our nation’s security.


“Let’s not hurt brave men and women who are protecting this country. … When your paycheck goes away next week, understand [our servicemen and women] would have been paid except for the fact that Democrat leadership decided it's in their political interest.”

On Wednesday, I also joined some of my Republican colleagues in the Senate at a press conference where we addressed the Biden border crisis. 


“You cannot see what is happening [at our southern border] and defend it.”

Rest assured, I will not stop fighting to fix our broken immigration system, to secure our border, and to protect our communities. God Bless!

Keep Texas Strong,



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