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e-Newsletter - Week of July 29th


Heading into the third week of July session in the Senate, the weather is hot and the days are long as I work to support the millions of Texans in the sweltering heat back home.

Democrats can’t take the heat that they’re receiving in response to their botched “green energy” plan and tax and spend policies, so they’re trying to redefine the meaning of words in order to convince the American people that our economy is strong.

Thursday morning, the Bureau of Economic Analysis announced that the U.S. economy shrank again in the second quarter, shocking none. Anticipating the release of this report, Wednesday I introduced a resolution that defines a recession in accordance with its historical meaning: 2 negative quarters of gross domestic product growth. 

You may be asking yourself, why would it be necessary to legislate a term that has already been defined?

The answer is simple, the Biden Administration is in the business of obscuring and altering definitions. First it was the definition of a man or woman, now it is the definition of an economic recession. The White House is not above undertaking an Orwellian effort ignoring historical precedent to avoid bad headlines. The fact is that President Biden’s failed economic policies are fueling inflation and have led our country into a recession. Read the release here.


A real problem, demanding attention: border wristbands, explained ↑

Democrats and the Biden administration also pushed a semiconductor chip production bill through the Senate this week. I support increasing domestic semiconductor chip production, but unfortunately, this bill allows companies to take American taxpayer dollars without adequate safeguards to ensure that American tax dollars are spent on American soil to increase chip production here at home. 

Although I was unable to vote for the legislation as written, the bill does contain several provisions that I am honored to have championed.  One of these provisions is the FABS Act, which would incentivize manufacturing in the U.S. through tax credits for investments here at home. I pride myself on being a champion for the semiconductor manufacturing industry in Texas and across the nation, and will work to make sure future congressional efforts to support the semiconductor manufacturing industry are more targeted and strategic.

To read my full statement about that vote, click here.



Additionally, early in the week, I was proud to co-sponsor legislation to authorize the construction of the coastal barrier protection system to mitigate the impact of major hurricanes and other significant water events in and around the Texas coast. The Texas Coastal Spine Authorization Act is a win-win, not just for Texans, but for taxpayers across the nation. Read the release here

Rest assured, I will always work to prepare Texas as best I can for these severe weather events and ensure the safety of all Texans. 

Keep Texas Strong,


WATCH: Sen. Cruz Questions State Dept.’s Diveristy, Equity & Inclusion Nominee on Propensity for Discrimination 

ICYMI: Daily Wire “‘This Is Barbaric’: Cruz Slams Biden In Graphic Video For ‘Ignoring The Narco Slave Trade’” 

WATCH: Sen. Cruz Releases Video Exposing Horrifying Scenes at the Border 

ICYMI: Our police and law enforcement officers are under attack by the media, Democrat politicians, and violent criminals. 

READ: Ted Cruz: DOJ has been turned into the 'partisan attack dogs' of the Biden White House


STATE SPOTLIGHT: Texans I met with this week 
South Texas Military Task Force 

Karbach Brewing Company 

 Boys & Girls Nation