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e-Newsletter - Week of March 24th

We had yet another eventful week in the Senate fighting against the Biden administration’s disastrous nominees, his open border policies, and the Democrats’ efforts to keep spending more and more money we don’t have.

“What we are seeing right now is the highest debt in history. It is crushing. We are bankrupting this country. The Democrats over the last two years with the Biden presidency and a Democrat House and Senate rammed through trillions in new spending which, is what is fueling the inflation that is hammering Texans across our state.”

Listen to my discussion with Fox 26 Houston’s Greg Groogan. ↓



“What has been happening at our southern border is horrific. I spend a lot of time in the Rio Grande Valley. I spend a lot of time on our southern border. It has never been remotely this bad. It's the highest level of illegal immigration in the history of our nation.”

Tuesday afternoon, I delivered a floor speech on FAA Administrator Nominee Phil Washington. Watch below↓


I'm deeply disappointed that the Biden White House decided to treat a critical safety position as a way to reward a political ally, rather than ensuring we have an experienced safety professional there to keep us all safe. And as a result of the Biden White House playing politics with this critically important position, the FAA has lacked a Senate confirmed leader for a year now. Phil Washington is objectively, indisputably unqualified to lead the FAA.

“That experience might qualify him to serve at the Federal Transit Administration, or on the board of Amtrak. Those would be reasonable nominations, given Mr. Washington's experience—but buses and trains have nothing to do with airplanes.”

The indisputable fact is that Mr. Washington has zero aviation experience and in particular, zero aviation safety experience. Mr. Washington has never flown an airplane. He's never been a military pilot. He's never been a commercial airline pilot. He's never worked for an airline. He's never worked for an airline manufacturer. He's never served as an air traffic controller. He's never worked for a company that repairs airplanes.

“You'll look at Russia—what caused the war in Ukraine is Biden came into office and one of the very first things he did is he waived sanctions on Nord Stream 2, the undersea pipeline from Russia to Germany.”


Thursday, I joined America’s Newsroom on Fox News to discuss the Biden administration’s terrible foreign policy. Click above to watch. ↑



Wednesday, Chairwoman Cantwell and I presided over a Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee hearing on the East Palestine train wreck. 

“First, what can be done to prevent derailments like the one that occurred in East Palestine? Second, what can be done more broadly to improve the safety of trains transporting hazardous materials?”

Read the release here.


On Thursday, I presided over yet another hearing for the Senate Commerce Committee on “Enhancing Consumer Protections and Connectivity in Air Transportation.” ↑

“I want to take a moment to touch on bipartisanship at this committee. I greatly appreciate that aviation has traditionally been a bipartisan effort. And I think that view is held by all members of this committee. Every one of us wants safe air travel.”

Read the release here.

"I am the Ranking Member on the Senate Commerce Committee, which has jurisdiction over about half of the US economy, including all of telecom and all of broadcast and all of Big Tech. And in that role, I launched an investigation of DirecTV's decision to de-platform Newsmax. I made very clear to DirecTV that this investigation would keep going and the only acceptable outcome was allowing Newsmax back on air."



Thursday, I joined Newsmax to discuss the end of their battle to get back on DirecTV airwaves. ↑

Last week I introduced legislation demanding answers and accountability from Stanford Law School and calling for the dismissal of the Assistant Dean of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion following her escalation of a protest against a federal judge. Read the release here and the letter here. Following that letter, I received word from Stanford University leadership informing me that the Assistant Dean was placed on administrative leave.

Rest assured, I will continue to lead the fight to preserve our First Amendment right to free speech, to secure the border, to implement an America-first foreign policy, and to implement sound fiscal policy. God bless you all.

Keep Texas Strong,



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State and Service Spotlight


Senator Lankford and I ran into a group of Dallas Baptist University students on the Senate steps and snapped a quick photo.


My West Texas Regional Director Bobbi Hanson and Military Legislative Assistant Tim Dill visited Goodfellow Air Force Base in San Angelo last week.


My Central Texas Regional Director Brandon Simon at the 175th Anniversary Celebration for Williamson County, Texas. 


El Paso Hispanic Chamber of Commerce


Texas Bankers Association

Commerce Corner


Maxor CEO, Mike Ellis


Enbridge CEO, Greg Ebel


TC Energy CEO, Francois Poirier