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e-Newsletter : Week of March 1

Good Evening,

On March 2nd, the Lone Star State will celebrate 188 years since Texas declared its independence from Mexico and fought for liberty. I was proud to continue to the time-honored tradition of reading the words of Colonel William B. Travis, the leader of the besieged forces at the Alamo, on the Senate floor this week. In Texas, American perseverance runs deep in our veins. The Texians who risked everything to make freedom a reality for future generations are a shining light of our Lone Star spirit. To all of my fellow Texans, I want to wish you and your families a Happy Texas Independence Day.



“Sam Houston, the founding father of the Lone Star State, was also born 231 years ago on March 2nd – Texas Independence Day. Sam Houston was an extraordinary American. … In Texas, he led the Texians to victory in the Battle of San Jacinto. When Texas became an independent nation, Sam Houston served as president twice before Texas finally became part of the United States. Later, he served in the United States Senate and finally, as governor of Texas. … Sam Houston was a tireless, talented leader, and a great statesman who believed in liberty.”

It has been absolutely horrifying to witness the raging fires in West Texas this week. I joined Chris Salcedo on Newsmax to reassure Texans in the Panhandle that my team is monitoring the ongoing situation closely. Heidi and I are continuing to pray for those who have been impacted by the mass destruction of these fires, and the first responders who are bravely working to contain the blaze.


“This fire is raging ferociously. My team is monitoring it closely and we're urging Texans who are potentially in harm's way to listen very closely to your local and state officials. If they give you an evacuation order, take it very seriously. Don't risk or endanger your family. These fires are incredibly dangerous.”

In Texas, we are facing a very real, daily threat thanks to Joe Biden’s shameful open border policies. I joined Hannity on Fox News to tell the American people the truth of what is really happening at our southern border. If Joe Biden wanted to end this illegal immigration crisis he could do so right now. He doesn’t want to, despite a growing majority of Americans strongly disapproving of his handling of this national security crisis.


“I did a town hall down in Laredo [yesterday] with the Democratic mayor in Laredo and the Democratic county judge in Laredo. What's interesting is, in Texas, Democrats and Republicans can work together reasonably. Nobody in South Texas can defend what's happening at our border. There aren't Democrats who can defend it, because when you see the dead bodies, the women and children brutalized, the people dying of drug overdoses, there is no defense. I got to say [yesterday], when I was down on the border they asked me, ‘Do you have anything to say to Joe Biden?’ I said, ‘Come to the border.’ He announced today he is coming to the border, but I'm here to predict he's going to do what he did in El Paso, which is hide every illegal immigrant and put on a photo-op that is fundamentally deceptive.”


“I invited Joe Biden to come to the border, … and see the misery and suffering that your open border policies have caused. Look at the dead bodies. The 853 migrants who died last year crossing illegally into this country. Look in the eyes of the little children brutalized by human traffickers. Look in the eyes of women violently raped by human traffickers. Look at the families who have lost over 100,000 loved ones to drug overdoses and take responsibility. I'm confident Joe Biden will do none of that.”

Rest assured, I am committed to fighting for what is in the best interest of Texas. You have my word, I won’t backdown in this fight. God Bless!

Keep Texas Strong,



READ: Senator Ted Cruz holds townhall meeting in Laredo

ICYMI: Sen. Cruz Introduces Legislation to Ban Central Bank Digital Currencies

READ: Sen. Cruz calls for ban on air marshals at border unless Mayorkas admits to crisis

ICYMI: Cruz, Cornyn Issue Joint Statement on Closure of Rio Grande Sugarcane Mill, Mexico’s Failure to Fulfill Water Treaty Obligations

State Spotlight 


Texas Public Power Association


United States Hispanic Council Townhall

Laredo, Texas

Commerce Corner


NASA Center Directors


Gary Kelly, Former CEO, Southwest Airlines