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End Harry Reid's Shutdown and Stop the Obamacare Trainwreck

On October 1st, millions of Americans will be required to enroll in Obamacare and could lose access to their doctors and be forced to pay higher premiums and higher taxes. But there's still time to stop it, and Senator Cruz is helping lead the fight. The clock is ticking, but we have momentum.

The reasons we must defund Obamacare are clear:

  • 71% of small businesses say Obamacare will make it harder to hire workers.
  • Obamacare takes roughly $1 trillion out of the private economy through 20 new or increased taxes.
  • Half of small businesses say they will cut hours or replace full time workers with part time workers.
  • About 17 million seniors will face higher premiums for Medicare Part D.
  • Obamacare could force nearly one million Americans to work less and go on welfare.
  • According to the GAO, the IRS is given 47 new powers in order to enforce Obamacare. Defunding it stops prevents these bureaucrats from being able to carrying out with the enforcement of Obamacare.

And those are just a few of the facts we know now.

On Friday, September 20th, the House of Representatives did what Washington pundits only a few weeks ago said was impossible: a strong bipartisan majority voted to defund Obamacare. But that was just step one.

Step two is the Senate, where all accounts suggest Harry Reid plans to use procedural gimmicks to try to add funding back in for Obamacare.

If Harry Reid pursues this plan — if he insists on using a 50-vote threshold to fund Obamacare with a partisan vote of only Democrats — then every Senate Republican shouldl stand together and oppose cloture on the bill in order to keep the House bill intact and not let Harry Reid add Obamacare funding back in.

Senate Republicans must stand side-by-side with courageous House Republicans.

Sen. Cruz has committeed to do everything and anything possible to defund Obamacare.

RT if you're with me -- #DefundObamacare!

— Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) September 19, 2013

Obamamcare must be stopped. We can stop it from hurting even more Americans if we stand together on principle to defund it.

Join The Conversaion

Want to #DefundObamacare? I want to know why. Reply or tweet using the hashtag #DefundObamacareBecause w/ why YOU think it is important!

— Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) September 19, 2013

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