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Honoring America's Veterans

On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, the fighting between the Allies and Germany ceased. Today, we commemorate that moment by thanking our veterans who have continued the quest to preserve our peace and freedom.

We should all be proud of our country’s long tradition of service. General John J. Pershing eloquently expressed his thanks in a letter to the troops who helped win the “war to end all wars,” that is just as relevant now as it was then.

Pershing wrote, “By willing sacrifice of personal rights; by cheerful endurance of hardship and privation; by vigor, strength and indomitable will, made effective by thorough organization and cordial co-operation, you inspired the war-worn Allies with new life and turned the tide of threatened defeat into overwhelming victory.”

We are so fortunate that throughout history, millions of Americans have come forward to fight tyrants, fascists, communists, and terrorists to keep us free.

Still, we live in a violent world, where the freedoms we enjoy remain exceptional to millions of less fortunate forced to abide by brutal dictators, oppressive regimes, and cultures of intolerance.

The persistent threats of terrorism at home and abroad are reminders of how precious it is to be an American and how fiercely our rights must be protected.

We are blessed to live in a society where men and women continue to fight for our flag. Since the terrorist attacks of 9/11, more than 3 million Americans have volunteered to defend their country, knowing full well the risks they may face. More than 50,000 are serving in Afghanistan right now.

They, like millions of veterans before them, are willingly putting themselves in danger to keep us safe.

Thank you.

President Calvin Coolidge once said, “The nation which forgets its defenders will itself be forgotten.” He was right.

Please join me on this Veterans Day in saying a prayer of thanks for our veterans. And, please find a veteran. Grab their hand. Look them in the eye and tell them, “Thank you for your service.”

We will never be able to express enough thanks for the troops, but they must always know they are treasured.

May God bless the veterans, may God bless all those who continue to protect our country, and may God bless the United States of America.