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Op-ed: Has President Obama Launched a Political Campaign against Prime Minister Netanyahu?

From Breitbart:

The Obama Administration's actions towards Israel become more intolerable each day, carrying with their insults deeply damaging national security implications for our country.

Earlier this week, Americans opened the newspapers to discover that the Obama campaign team has deployed operatives, including 2012 Field Director Jeremy Bird, to Tel Aviv to try to unseat Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu through an organization that receives taxpayer grants from the U.S. Department of State.

This follows a long string of hostile behavior that has only escalated with time.

In The Atlantic, "unnamed senior administration officials" have called Mr. Netanyahu a "chicken****" and bragged that it was now "too late" for him to take action to prevent Iran from gaining nuclear weapons capability.

Last week, more anonymous sources vented to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz that "Netanyahu spat in our face," and vowing "there will be a price" for the Prime Minister's accepting House Speaker John Boehner's invitation to come address Congress on the subject of Iran's nuclear program.

Read the full op-ed here.