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VIDEO: ‘The Biden Express is Headed Left’ - Bernie Sanders for Secretary of State

HOUSTON, Texas - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today launched a new video series - titled "The Biden Express is Headed Left" - highlighting the true driving forces behind the top of the Democrat ticket this year.

As Sen. Cruz recently said:

"If the Democrats win, you are looking at Bernie in ascension. You're looking at AOC. Mark my words, Elizabeth Warren as Treasury Secretary. Bernie might be Secretary of State. These are radicals and that's where the Democratic party is. I don't think that's where the American people are."

The first edition of the new series exposes on some of the deeply controversial and Socialist positions of Sen. Bernie Sanders, a potential pick for Secretary of State by the former Vice President.

WATCH: The Biden Express is Headed Left-Bernie Sanders for Secretary of State in Joe Biden's Cabinet

There are few Cabinet posts more consequential than Secretary of State. Since Bernie Sanders has made his radical foreign policy a hallmark of his presidential runs, he would undoubtedly bring his Socialist sympathies to Foggy Bottom.

Not only would a Sanders State Department praise brutal dictators and decline to recognize legitimate leaders in nations like Venezuela, it would also be hostile towards our ally, Israel. Earlier this year, Sanders received an endorsement from the anti-Israeli-occupation group "IfNotNow" and told the New York Times he would condition aid to Israel.

He also stated that he would not tighten sanctions on North Korea and criticized the killing of Iranian Terror leader Qassim Suleimani, who was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans.

On China, Bernie Sanders has claimed that Mao's China had "democracy ‘on the local level,'" and recently stated that the current Chinese regime has, "made more progress in addressing extreme poverty than any country in the history of civilization, so they've done a lot of things for their people."

Bottom Line: Bernie Sanders as an emboldened Secretary of State in a Biden administration would have very real consequences for American national security and the security of our allies. With adversaries around the world seeking to undermine the United States, placing Bernie Sanders at the helm of foreign policy would reverse course on the significant progress made under President Trump, abandoning our allies while empowering our enemies.

Be on the lookout for more radical Cabinet contenders in the weeks ahead.
