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Sen. Cruz Issues Statement on Continuing Resolution

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today issued the following statement on the Continuing Resolution to fund the government through December 16:

“Today we saw Democrats employ the same scheme we’ve seen again and againinstead of doing the hard work of eliminating unnecessary spending—which would help lower inflation—and rather than making tough decisions that prioritize spending to meet the needs of the American people, Congress dithered for a year and is now passing a continuing resolution to fund the government at the same level until December. This just kicks the can into a lame duck session where unaccountable, recently fired legislators will be able to vote without consequence to recklessly spend even greater and more wasteful amounts, all the while driving inflation even higher.

“In the lead up to the passage of this bill, I had urged congressional leaders to pass a ‘clean’ continuing resolution that extended current funding until the new Congress begins in January. I also called for passing any critical supplemental funding bills separately, including providing lethal military aid to Ukraine, so they would not be politicized by the controversy over this bill.

“Notably, Democrats have intentionally left out the necessary changes in policy and the necessary funding to stop the humanitarian and security crises that are raging on our southern border. Instead of protecting the American people by securing our border, this bill continues to fund the recently expanded IRS that will soon include an additional 87,000 new IRS agents focused on targeting ordinary Americans.

“In the end, I could not support a bill that enables lame duck Democrats to spend over a trillion dollars at the end of the year, all without stopping the catastrophe at our southern border.”

