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The News with Sen. Cruz - March 11, 2013


I wanted to give you an update on a very exciting week in Washington. If you have a moment, please read the latest below and share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. As always, it’s an honor to represent you and the Great State of Texas.

All the best,
TC Sig
Ted Cruz


This week, Sen. Cruz will push for a vote on his amendment to defund Obamacare.

The effort to stop Obamacare is one of the most critical challenges of our time. Even before being fully implemented, Obamacare is already hurting small business, reducing hours Americans are able to work, forcing employers to drop coverage, and leading to substantial increases in healthcare premiums—especially for young people. If fully implemented, Obamacare will create an even further drag on the economy, killing more jobs and stifling opportunity.

Our economy desperately needs robust economic growth and as long as Obamacare is on the books, it will stand in the way of job creation and prosperity. The longer Obamacare is on the books, the more damage it will do.

That's why Sen. Cruz has introduced legislation to repeal Obamacare and an amendment to defund it.


Last week, in a widely publicized hearing, Sen. Cruz pressed Attorney General Eric Holder about the Administration’s policy on the use of drones. Holder finally conceded that it is unconstitutional to kill a U.S. citizen on U.S. soil who does not pose an imminent threat. You can watch and share the full video of Sen. Cruz’s remarks during the hearing here.

Also, Sen. Cruz played a leading role supporting Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) who took to the Senate floor on Wednesday for an incredible 13 hours to filibuster the nomination of John Brennan to Director of the CIA over the administration’s drone policy.

If you’d like to watch video of Sen. Cruz’s participation in the filibuster they are all available here.


Finally, following the historic filibuster, Sen. Cruz and Sen. Paul introduced legislation to prohibit drone killings of U.S. citizens on U.S. soil if they do not present an imminent threat.


Defending the Second Amendment

La Rue

Recently, Sen. Cruz visited Texas gun manufacture LaRue Tactical in Leander near Austin where he was greeted by over 100 supporters from the community. Sen. Cruz vowed to continue leading the effort to defend the Second Amendment.

Promoting Jobs, Economic Growth

Sen. Cruz visited small businesses in Houston and Dallas where he highlighted the importance of cutting government regulation to unleash the private sector. He also noted that high taxes and Obamacare are killing jobs.

Honoring Veterans

Sen. Cruz stopped by the Family Services Center at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, which cares for wounded soldiers and their families. After a brief tour of the facility, Sen. Cruz was honored to be able to present the Purple Heart Medal to Chief Warrant Officer Jerry Hamilton. Sen. Cruz also toured Brooke Army Medical Center’s state of the art amputee center for wounded soldiers returning home from deployments.



March 6th marked the 177th anniversary of the fall of the Alamo. Sen. Cruz recorded a short video message to honor the legacy of the Texians who made the ultimate sacrifice for Texas freedom.