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The News with Sen. Cruz - April 23, 2013


Last week was very difficult, as innocent lives were taken in Boston, Massachusetts by indiscriminate bombings and an explosion in West, Texas devastated a community. Please continue to keep victims, their families and friends, first responders, and volunteers in your thoughts and prayers.

As tragic as last week was, the resilience of the American spirit shone through the darkness. In Boston, one of the bombing suspects was killed and the other captured by police, and in West, fellow Americans stepped up and overwhelmed the community with support. If you'd like to join those helping West, please click here to learn more about what you can do.

I hope you'll keep reading below for more information on the West explosion, the Second Amendment fight in the Senate, and more, and then share this latest newsletter on Facebook and Twitter.

All the best,

TC Sig
Ted Cruz


Sens. Ted Cruz and John Cornyn & Rep. Roger Williams Visit West

Last Friday Sen. Cruz visited the site of the terrible plant explosion in West, Texas, with Senator John Cornyn and Congressman Roger Williams to meet with local officials, volunteers and victims affected by the disaster.

One thing was clear from the visit—Texans are resilient. Sen. Cruz was impressed to see how well the recovery is being handled. Texans are pulling together and flooding the community of West with support.

Despite the outpouring of generosity, the community is still in urgent need of help. Please click here to find out what you can do.


A major victory for the Second Amendment and all of the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens took place on Wednesday. The Senate held votes on creating a pathway to a national gun registry, banning "assault weapons," arbitrarily limiting the size of magazines, and the rest of President Obama's anti-gun agenda. Sen. Cruz led the fight against those measures, and all were rejected. You can listen to Sen. Cruz speak with Mark Levin about this victory for the Second Amendment here. While this is good news, the fight isn't over, and Sen. Cruz will continue to defend the Second Amendment rights of law abiding-citizens.

In addition, Sen. Cruz joined Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) in introducing the “Protecting Communities and Preserving the Second Amendment Act” which would have provided resources to stop violent crime while protecting the Second Amendment by targeting criminals rather than law-abiding citizens. Click here to view the video of Sen. Cruz presenting the amendment on the Senate floor. Unfortunately, the amendment failed to pass when 47 Senate Democrats led by Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) voted against this bipartisan legislation.

Sen. Cruz presents the“Protecting Communities
and Preserving the Second Amendment Act”


Freedom Minute

This week, Sen. Cruz released the second in a series of “Freedom Minute” segments discussing the fight to defend the Second Amendment. He argues that under no circumstance should Congress be allowed to undermine our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Listen here and then share it with your friends.