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Freedom Minute: Texas Shows the Country How it's Done

**Attention: Radio Producers**
Sen. Cruz’s newest 60-second radio spot is available for your use.

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) today released the latest in a series of “Freedom Minute” segments in which he notes how Texas is prospering in an environment of low, predictable tax rates that create growth, jobs, and opportunity.

Click here to download the "Freedom Minute" audio


Hi, I’m Ted Cruz and this is the Freedom Minute.

President Obama recently came to Texas to talk about jobs.

He must have wanted to know how we are creating all of them down here in the Lone Star State.

Well, it’s simple. Let’s compare Texas with California.

According to the Texas Public Policy Foundation, Texas gained more than 1 million jobs between 2006 and 2012.

During that same time, California lost 359,000 jobs.

The difference? Texas has no personal income taxes and the sixth lowest state and local tax burden in the United States.

California has the highest marginal income tax and the fourth highest state and local tax burden.

Texas can show the country how it's done. Low, predictable taxes. Low regulations create growth, jobs, and opportunity.

And, you can hang your hat on that.

Thanks for listening. I’m Ted Cruz and this is the Freedom Minute.
