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Sen. Cruz Statement on Napolitano Resignation

“The next DHS Secretary gets unchecked discretion over U.S. border security”

WASHINGTON, DC — U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) today made the following statement concerning DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano’s resignation:

Secretary Napolitano's resignation announcement coincides with Senator Reid's brazen attempt to silence individual senators and give all power over executive nominations to the White House and the Senate majority by threatening to use the so-called ‘nuclear option.’ At the same time, he silenced the minority by denying them the right to offer amendments to immigration reform on the Senate floor. The result? The next DHS Secretary gets unchecked discretion over U.S. border security.

The Senate is getting ready to hand complete control of immigration and border security to President Obama and Harry Reid. The nuclear option would make it possible for the majority to ram through a partisan nominee for Secretary of Homeland Security – who will then oversee border security, immigration, and counter–terrorism policies – with no minority input.

I hope the Senate will have a meaningful role in confirming the next Secretary. Moreover, I hope the President's nominee will be dedicated to actually enforcing the law as written, rather than catering to the political agenda of the White House.


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