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Freedom Minute: Activate a Grassroots Army to Defund Obamacare

**Attention: Radio Producers**
Sen. Cruz’s newest 60-second radio spot is available for your use.

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) today released the latest weekly “Freedom Minute” segment, in which he urges Americans to speak out in favor of defunding Obamacare.


Hi, I’m Ted Cruz and this is the Freedom Minute.

Last week, we marked the one-year anniversary of my winning the Texas Republican primary for U.S. Senate.

That victory was made possible because thousands upon thousands of grassroots activists across the state saw that the country was in trouble and stepped forward to help fix it.

Today I work for 26 million Texans, and your support is why I'm serving in office helping lead the fight to protect the Second Amendment, to secure the border, and to unshackle the free market economy.

Now we need to activate another grassroots army -- this time on a national scale.

In September, Congress will have the opportunity to defund Obamacare -- the disastrous health care law, which is killing jobs and hurting the health care system.

The only way we can win this debate is if the American people rise up and demand it. Please join us and let your representatives know where you stand.

I’m Ted Cruz and this is the Freedom Minute.
