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Freedom Minute: Obamacare's Broken Promises

**Attention: Radio Producers**
Sen. Cruz’s newest 60-second radio spot is available for your use.

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) today released the latest weekly “Freedom Minute” segment, in which he notes Obamacare's broken promises and urges listeners to join the fight to defund it.


Hi, I’m Ted Cruz and this is the Freedom Minute.

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." That was one of the many promises that President Obama made about his health care law. And it’s just not true.

According to a recent Congressional Budget Office report, under Obamacare, seven million people will lose their employer-sponsored insurance.

McKinsey & Company found that thirty percent of employers will definitely or probably stop offering employer-sponsored insurance in the years after 2014.

In addition, any health insurance you do pay for will almost certainly be more expensive.

One study found that 98% of health care plans currently fail to meet Obamacare’s essential health benefits standards. These plans will all become more expensive.

Obamacare is burdensome, costly, and killing jobs. I’m leading the fight to defund it – please join us. I’m Ted Cruz, and this is the Freedom Minute.
