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The News with Sen. Cruz - August 13, 2013

Even though Congress is in recess, the battle to defund Obamacare is heating up as Americans speak out against this burdensome, costly, and job-killing law. On that note, over the coming weeks I look forward to one of my favorite parts of this job -- making my way across the Lone Star State to hear from you. 

Whether it is how Obamacare is impacting you, your family, or your business; your ideas for reining back out of control federal regulations to unleash the private sector and create jobs; or any other suggestions, I hope you'll join me and make your voice heard. Please keep reading below for more on the tour across Texas and an update on the fight to stop Obamacare -- then share this newsletter on Facebook and Twitter.

All the best,

TC Sig
Ted Cruz


We have a packed three weeks of travel throughout Texas scheduled for the coming weeks… Among the areas Sen. Cruz will visit are: Kingwood, Conroe, Houston, Dallas, Round Rock, Georgetown, Kerrville, Austin, Waco, the Rio Grande Valley, Laredo, El Paso, Corpus Christi, Amarillo and Midland.

Sen. Cruz's primary focus in several of the events over the next few weeks and through September 30th will be on the effort to defund Obamacare. He will explain why the law is so destructive, how we can defund it, and why this is the best chance we have to defeat Obamacare. Specifically, he'll be participating in small business roundtables, chambers of commerce meetings, and other events. He'll also attend events focused on veterans' issues, West, TX recovery, energy, and border security.


It's a fact. Obamacare is hurting the economy and killing jobs. And it will only get worse if Congress doesn't defund it in the upcoming Continuing Resolution. Sen. Cruz is helping lead that fight, but it is a fight that can only be won if America stands up and demands it. Each day, the Senator is unveiling a new fact about the detrimental effects of Obamacare, and he needs your help to spread the word. Please click on any of the facts below to share them with your friends on Facebook.

Fact 1     Fact 2     Fact 3

Fact 4     Fact 5


Freedom Minute

Before passing Obamacare, the President made many promises about the law that we now know just aren't true. Sen. Cruz highlights some of Obamacare's broken promises in the latest "Freedom Minute." Under Obamacare, millions of Americans will lose their employer-sponsored health insurance, and the so-called "Affordable Care Act," which isn't even fully implemented yet, is already causing health care premiums to skyrocket across the country. Listen to the Freedom Minute here and then share it with your friends.