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Sen. Cruz: Americans Should Unite to Create More Jobs

WASHINGTON, DC -- In observance of Labor Day, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) released the following statement:

Throughout our history, Americans have been recognized all over the world for their work ethic and optimism. This Labor Day, let's commit ourselves to restoring that image.

Republicans, Democrats, conservatives, independents, and progressives should unite to create more jobs and opportunities. That begins by defunding and repealing Obamacare, the biggest job killer in modern history.

Once we defund and then repeal Obamacare, American businesses can get back to business, and American workers can get back to building the American dream. There is no reason that it cannot once again be "morning in America." The American people know what needs to be done; Washington just needs to listen.

We are Americans. We know how to get a job done. But first, there must be jobs to do.

God Bless America.


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