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Lee, Cruz, Rubio Praise House Bill to Keep Government Open, Defund Obamacare

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Senators Mike Lee (R-UT), Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) praised House Republicans for proposing a spending bill that funds the federal government, prevents a government shut down, and permanently defunds Obamacare:

“Today’s announcement by Speaker Boehner is a victory for the American people,” said Sen. Lee. “For months, Americans have been telling Washington to fund the operations of government but also protect them from the harmful effects and unfair implementation of Obamacare. The spending proposal the Speaker put forth today shows that if the American people are united, Washington does listen. We encourage the House to approve this legislation quickly and I applaud Speaker Boehner for his leadership on this proposal. Then it will be up to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to pass this measure to fund government and defund Obamacare.”

“Today's announcement that the House will vote to defund Obamacare is terrific news,” said Sen. Cruz. “Just a few weeks ago, this was deemed impossible. We commend House leadership and House Republicans for listening to the people and for taking decisive action to stop Obamacare, the biggest job-killer in America. Harry Reid will no doubt try to strip the defund language from the continuing resolution, and right now he likely has the votes to do so. At that point, House Republicans must stand firm, hold their ground, and continue to listen to the American people. President Obama has already granted Obamacare exemptions to big corporations and Members of Congress; he should not threaten to shut down the government just to deny those same exemptions to hard-working American families."

“The American people have made clear they want Washington to keep the government open but also need protection from Obamacare’s harmful effects,” said Sen. Rubio. “Today’s announcement would accomplish what the American people have been asking of Congress. A solution is within sight in order to avert another crisis of Washington’s creation. President Obama and his allies in Congress should abandon their threats of shutting down the government and instead work with Republicans to pass this proposal that would keep government open while preventing taxpayer dollars from being used to inflict Obamacare’s damage on people’s jobs, incomes, current health plans and doctor relationships.”


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