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Statement from Cruz Comms Director Sean Rushton

WASHINGTON, DC -- A few minutes ago, U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R-UT), supported by U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), objected on the Senate floor to a consent request for a cloture vote tonight on the continuing resolution that includes Obamacare defunding. Sean Rushton, Sen. Cruz's Communications Director, released the following statement:

"The public understands that the key vote is final cloture on the bill, which will take place on Friday morning. Sen. Reid asked to waive the Senate rules to allow the vote to be moved to Thursday night, but it is better that the debate play out in the full light of day so the American people know exactly what is happening. America will be watching closely which senators vote to allow Democrats to fully fund Obamacare, and the vote should be carried out in the open for all to see."


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