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Cruz: The Unemployed Need Economic Growth and Jobs, Not Endless Government Payments

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, today released the following statement regarding his vote against ending the unemployment debate without considering Republican ideas:

“Unemployed Americans badly need jobs and a booming economy. Today, as a direct result of President Obama's failed economic agenda, millions are hurting and we have the lowest labor-force participation since 1978.

"Unfortunately, President Obama and Senate Democrats refuse to do anything to address the underlying problem: crushing taxes and regulations from Washington that have killed growth and produced economic stagnation.

"Instead of continually extending unemployment benefits, we should instead work together to bring back economic growth and jobs. We should repeal Obamacare, which is costing millions of jobs across the country. We should expand energy production and build the Keystone pipeline, which together would create millions more high-paying jobs. We should stop abusive regulations that are hammering small businesses. And we should reform our tax system, to spur new investment and risk-taking in the economy of tomorrow."
